Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 245
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E. and S.W., and dipping to the N.
W. 52°. The shaft was continued
44 feet further, to another vein,
wliich exceeded 5 feet in thickness,
and which afforded coal of a better
quality than that- found above.—
Subsequent operations have shown
that the veins are numerous, and
the quantity inexhaustible. The
coal is of an excellent quality, more
easily broken than the Pennsylvani-
an, and has less polish on its surface.

Mansfield, Ct.

Tolland co. Mansfield, the In-
JVawbesetucki was taken from
Windham in 1703. It lies 27 miles
E. from Hartford, 12 S. E. from Tol-
land, and 19 N. N..W. from Nor-
wich. Population, 1830, 2,661.—
The face of the town is uneven, and
some of the hills have considerable
elevation. The town is watered by
Willimantic river, and the Nat-
chaug and its tributaries—Mount
Hope-and Fenton.

A larger quantity of silk is man-
ufactured here than in any other
place in the United States. This
branch of industry was introduced
into the country by Dr. Aspinwall,
of this place, above seventy years
since, who established the raising
of silk worms in New Haven, Long
Island and Philadelphia. At this.pe-
riod half an ounce of mulberry seed
was sent to every parish in Con-
necticut, and the legislature for a
time offered a bounty on mulberry
trees and raw silk: 265 lbs. were
raised in 1793, and the quantity has |
been increasing ever since. In
1830, 3,200 lbs. were raised. Two
small silk factories have been es-
tablished in this town by an English
manufacturer, with swifts for wind-
ing hard silk; 32 spindles for doub-
ling; seven dozens of spindles for
throwing; 32 spindles for soft silk
winding; and 2 broad and one fringe
silk looms. There is machinery
enough to keep 30 broad silk looms
and fifty hands in operation. There
are in the town two cotton factories.
Screw augers and steelyards are
manufactured here.

Marblehead, Mass*

Essex co. This is a noted fishing
town, on a rocky point of land ex-
tending into Massachusetts bay,
with a hardy and intrepid crew of
fishermen and sailors. The harbor
is commodious and easy of access.
The quantity' of fish exported from
this place in 1794 amounted to
$184,532. Since that time the fish-
ing business has greatly increased,
and this place has now become one
of the largest fishing ports on the
American coast. There belong to
this place from 90 to 100 sail of
fishing, coasting and merchant ves-
sels. Tonnage of the district, in
1837, 10,037. First settled, 1631.
Incorporated, 1649. Population,
1837, .5,549. It lies 14 miles N. E.
from Boston, and 4 S. E. from Sa-
lem. The value of. the cod and
mackerel-fishery the year ending
April.1, 1837, was $153,487 ; em-
ploying 500 hands. The manufac-
tures of Marblehead, the same
year, amounted to $398,565. The
articles manufactured consisted of
boots, shoes, bar iron, chairs, cabi-
net and tin wares, vessels, soap,
glue, cards and wheels. This is a
romantic place ; nearly allied to its
neighbor, Nahantonly .6 miles
across the bay.

Margallaway River, N. H.,

Has its source among the high-
lands which separate Maine from
Lower Canada, in the N. E. ex-
tremity of New Hampshire, about
30 miles N. from Errol. After a S.
course of nearly. 20 miles on the
western border of Maine, it enters
New Hampshire at the S. E. part
of the 2d grant to Dartmouth col-
lege, where it forms a junction with
the united streams of Dead and
Diamond rivers. Thence, after a S.
course of about 6 miles to Errol, it


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