Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 246
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receives the waters of Umbagog
lake. After this junction the main
stream is the Androscoggin river..

Mariaville, Me.

Hancock co. This is a townsnip
of good land, finely located on the
E. side of Union river, 8 miles N. by
E. from Ellsworth, and 89 E. N. E.
from Augusta. This town has an
extensive water power and many
saw mills. It was incorporated in
1836. Population, 1837, 257.

Marion, Me.

Washington co. This township
Is bounded E. by Edmonds, and S.
by Whiting. Population, 245.—
Incorporated, 18,34. See “ Down
East.” -

Marlborough, N. TJ.,

Cheshire co., is bounded N. by
Roxbury, E. by Dublin and Jaffrey,
S. by Troy, W. by Swanzey and
part of Keene. It is 6 miles S. E.
from Keene, and 55 S. W. from
Concord. There are several ponds
which are the sources of some of
the branches of Ashuelot river.—
The soil is rocky, but good for graz-
ing. Marlborough was granted,

1751. The first settlement com-
menced about 1760. Incorporated
Dec. 13, 1776. Population, in 1830,

Marlborough., Vt.

Windham co. First settled, 1763.
It lies 8 miles S. from Newfane,
and 24 E. from Bennington. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1,218. Mrs. Whitte-
mdre, the wife of one of the first
settlers, spent the winter of 1764-5
in this then wilderness, alone, her
husband being absent in the pursuit
of his calling, as a tinker. During
this winter she saw no human be-
ing, except her little daughter and
eome hunters who happened acci-
dentally to pass that way. She cut
down timber and furnished browse
for their cattle, and thus kept them
alive thrpugh the winter. Mrs. W.

was very useful to the settlers, both
as a nurse and a midwife. She pos-
sessed a vigorous constitution, and
frequently travelled through the
woods upon snow shoes-from one
part of the town to another, both by
night and day, to relieve the dis-
tressed.- She lived to the age of 87
years, officiated as midwife at more
than 2,000 births, and never lost a

The town is well watered by the
W. branch of West river, Whet-
stone brook, and Green river? It
has a good soil, and is very produc-
tive in wheat, rye, and other grain,
fruit and potatoes. Here is a pleas-
ant village, several fine trout ponds,
various kinds of minerals and me-
dicinal springs. Marlborough suf-
fered .some by the Indians, and did
much for the cause of independ-

Marlborough, Mass.

Middlesex co. This is a large
farming town, with a soil of great
fertility and undulating surface.—
The inhabitants are principally de-
voted to agricultural pursuits, and
by their industry and skill, have ac-
quired a great degree of independ-
ence. Among the productions of
the town, are fat cattle, pork, fruit,'
and all the varieties of the dairy; a'
large amount of which is annually
sent to Boston market. A branch
of Concord river, and a number’of
beautiful ponds,* water the town.—
The manufactures consist ;of boots,
shoes, straw bonnets^Jtfather, chairs
and cabinet ware : Annual amount,
about $75,000. Marlborough, the
Okamakamesit> was first
settled in 1654. It was taken from
Sudbury in 1660 ; it suffered much
during the Indian wars, and was
for many years the residence of a
number of Indians who had em-
braced the Christian religion. The
villages are very pleasant:    the

richness of the soil, and surround-
ing 9cenery; its excellent rodds and
convenient access to Boston by the


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