Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 247
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rail road, renders Marlborough a
desirable residence. It is J2S miles
W. from Boston, 14 S. W. from'Con-
cord, and 16 E. from Worcester.—
Population, 1837, 2,089.

Marlborough Ct.

Hartford co. Marlborough, was
taken from three towns which be-
longed to three different counties,
in 1803. It lies 14 miles S. E.
from Hartford. The surfaqe-of the
town is hilly and stony, and the
lakids best adapted for grazing. It
has a cotton factory, a bed of black
lead, and a good fish pond.
hollow t
in the western part of the
town, presents some wild scenery
of more terror than beauty. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 704.

Marlow, N. H.

Cheshire co.. . It is 15 miles. N.
from Keene, and 45 W. by S. from
Concord. Ashuelot river passes
through almost tbe whole length of
the town. There are no ponds of
note, nor any mountains.. Marlow
was chartered, 1761. Population,
1830, 645.

Marshfield, Vt.

Washington co. This town, con-
taining 23,040 acres, was granted
to the Stoekbridge Indians in 1782,
and sold by them to Isaac Marsh,
in 1789, for £140. A part of the
soil is good and a part wet and stony.
The town produces considerable
wool,, and* some cattle are reared
for market. If has a pleasant pond,
and Onion five? passes through it.
It lies 12 miles N. E. from Mont-
pelier. First settled, 1790. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1,271.

Marshfield, Mass.

Plymouth co. A pleasant town
on Massachusetts bay, 25 miles S.
E. from Boston, and 15 N. by W.
from Plymouth. It is watered by
North and South fivers, has a toler-
able harbor, and some navigation.
Ship building is an important branch
of business in the town. . Here are
two cotton mills, an air and cupola
furnace, a nail factory, and manu-
factures of cotton and satinet warp.

' Peregrine ‘White, the first Eng-
lish child born in New England,
died here in-1704, aged 83. Incor-
porated, 1640. Population, 1837,

Mars Hill, Me.

This celebrated mountain is situ-
ated about a mile west from the east
boundary of tbe United States;—
200 miles N. N. E. from Augusta,
and 80 N. W. from Frederickton,
New Brunswick.

The British Queen seems desir-
ous of annexing this portion of the
territory of thie United States to
her wide and fair possessions. This
notion of the-pretty maiden is alto-
gether preposterous: when she has
maturely considered the treaty made
by her grandfather and the United
States, at Paris, in 1783, -we trust
her good sense will deter her from
urging the claim.

The approach to this mountain is
difficult: its sides are rugged, and
its summit bold. It has two spurs;
one of which is 1,506, the other
1,363 feet above the waters of
Goosequill river, in New Bruns-

Marshpee, Mass.

Barnstable col An ancient In-
dian territory, and an incorporated
district of 10,500 acres, or about 16
square miles. It lies 12 miles S.
E. from Barnstable, 8 S. S. E. from
Sandwich, and 8E. from Falmouth.
It is bounded on the S. by the ocean.
There are 350 colored inhabitants
on this territory, and some whites.
There now remain only seven in-
habitants, of pure blood of the fath-
ers of the forest. Their land is
good for grain of all sorts, and is
well wooded. The territory is pleas-
ant, and some parts of it afford beau-
tiful scenery. The Marshpee and
Quashmet are considerable streams,


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