Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 248
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which, with numerous ponds and
the ocean, afford, an abundant sup-
ply of fish of varicnis kinds. These
people live by agricultural pursuits,
the manufacture of various articles
of Indian ware, hy the sale of their
wood, and by fishing,.fowling, and
taking deer. They are docile and
hospitable; they appear.to relish
moral and religious instruction; and,
under the superintendence of a hu-
mane and intelligent commissioner,
appointed by the state, they are
prosperous and happy. This is the
largest remnant of all. the tribes of
red men west of Penobscot river,
who, 218 years ago, were fee sim-
ple proprietors of the whole terri-
tory of New England!

Martha’s Vineyard, Mass.

The principal of a cluster of isl-
ands lying off and S. of Barnstable
county and Buzzard’s bay, compris-
ing the towns of Edgarton, Tisbu-
ry and Chilmark. See

Mason, N. H.

Hillsborough co. It is 15 miles
S. W. from Amherst, 43 S!. S; W.

from Concord, and 50 N. W. from
Boston. The surface is uneven;
the hills are chiefly large swells,
with narrow valleys between them.
The streams are rapid, There are
no natural ponds.. The principal
meadows were, formerly beaver
ponds. Souhegan is the principal
stream, affording many fine mill
seats. The small streams run into
Nashua river, and into. Tanapus, or
Potanipo pond, in Brookline. The,
soil in the E. part is rather light.
The W. part is mostly a strong deep
soil, red or dark loam,- but stony.
It is good for grass-and grain. In
Mason village, on the Souhegan,
are cotton and woolen manufacto-
ries, and other machinery. Mason
was granted by charter, Aug. 26,
1768. It was formerly known by
the name oI -Vo. 1.. The first ef-
fort to settle this place was in 1751,
and the next year a permanent set-
tlement was made by Enoch Law-
rence, from Pepperell, Mass. Pop-
ulation, in 1830, 1,433. -

Massabesick Pond, N# II.

See Chester.


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