Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 253
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The Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Senators, and Representatives,
are chosen annually by the people, on the 2d Monday of November, and
meet at Boston on the 1st Wednesday of January.

The Judiciary power is vested in a Supreme Court, a Court of Com-
mon Pleas, and such other courts as the Legislature may, from time to
time, establish. The Judges are appointed by the Governor and Coun-
cil, and hold their offices during good behavior.

Succession of Governors.

John Hancock, 1780—1784. James Bowdoin, 1785, 1786. John
Hancock, 17S'7r^1793. Samuel Adams, 1794—1796. Increase Sumner,
1797—1799. Caleb Strong, 1800, 1806. James Sullivan, 1807, 1S08.
Christopher Gore, 1809. Elbridge Gerry, 1810, 1811. Caleb Strong,
1812—1815. John Brooks, 1816—1822. William Eustis, 1823, 1824.
Levi Lincoln, 1825—1833. John Davis, 18$4, 1835. Edward Everett,

Succession of Chief Justices of the Supreme Judicial Court.

William Cushing, 1776—1789. Nathaniel Peaslee Sargent, 1789—

1791. Francis Dana, 1791—1806. Theophilus Parsons, 1806—1814.
Samuel Sewall, 1814. Isaac Parker, 1814—1830. Lemuel Shaw,
1830—    -

The foundation of a school fund was laid by legislative enactment, in
1834, by appropriating “ all moneys remaining in the treasury on the 1st
day of-January, 1835, arising from the sale of public lands, and from pay-
ments made to this commonwealth by the United “States, on account of the
claim for military services and disbursements during the late war, to-
gether with one half of all future proceeds of the sales of public lands,
as a permanent fund for the encouragement and support of common
schools, which fund is never to exceed one million of dollars.”

A trigonometrical and astronomical survey of the state, by order of the
general court, for the purpose of a new map, was commenced in 1830,
and will soon be completed. Surveys of the mineralogy, botany, zoolo-
gy, and agriculture of the state have been commenced; some favorable
reports have been made, and the researches of scientific men are con-
tinued, and promise great public usefulness.

The surface of the state is generally undulating. The most level
parts are found in the counties of Plymouth, Barnstable, and Bristol.
The Green and Taughkannic ranges of mountains pass through the west-
ern counties, but in few places are they remarkable for their elevation.

The soil of the state is well adapted to the growth of all the grasses,
grains, fruits and vegetables common to a temperate climate. In no part


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