Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 254
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of our country is agriculture more honored, or better understood and re-

The resources of Massachusetts in its commerce, navigation, manufac-
tures and fisheries are immense: they are stated under the counties and
towns, and will be given summarily, with other statistics of New Eng-
land, in the

Although Massachusetts cannot boast of her navigable rivers and ca-
nals, to facilitate the commerce of her capital; yet she can boast of the
most beahtiful bay on the map of the .western world; of her noble
streams for water power; of her luxuriant vales, of her granite hills, of
her ships, and the material for building them; and of her gallant sailors
who traverse every sea, and who well understand the uses of the hook,

harpoon and cannon.

Massachusetts Bay*

The whole of this bay is within
the limits of Massachusetts. The
exterior bounds of this celebrated
bay are Capes Cod and Ann. The
former is in N. lat. 429 6', and W.
long. 70°
1’. The latter in N. lat.
42° 46', and W. Ion. 70° 17k Cape
Ann bears from Cape Cod, N. N.
W., about 40 miles.    .    ,

The length of this bay is about
62 miles, from N. W. to S. E.: its
breadth is about 25 miles. Numer-
ous bays and rivers of various sizes
set in from this bay, and its whole
coast is lined with commodious
harbors, and pleasant commercial

This bay is noted for its delight-
ful scenery, and as containing the
first settlements of the Pilgrim
Fathers of New England.

Matawamkeag River, Me.

This is one of the most important
tributaries to the Penobscot. It
unites with that river at the Indian
township from the E., about 60 miles
N. by E. above Bangor.

Matawamkeag Plantation, on
this river, lies 128 miles N. E. from

Matiuicus Islands, Me.

A cluster of islands at the en-
trance of Penobscot bay. The
principal, or Marshall’s island, is a
plantation attached to the county of
Hancock. The light on Matinicus
bears about S. by E. from Thomas-
ton, 15 miles.

Maxfield, Me.

Penobscot co. This town was
incorporated in 1824. It is water-
ed by Piscataquis river and Seboois
stream. It lies 111 miles N. N. W.
from Augusta, and 25 E. by N.
from Dover. Population, 1837, 215.
Wheat crop, same year, 1,304 bush-

Mayfield, Me.

Somerset co. On the E. side of
Kennebec river and about 10 miles
from it. It is 5S miles N. from
Augusta, and about 29 N. by E.
from Norridgewock. Incorporated,

1836. Population, 1837, 224.

Medlield, Mass.

Norfolk co. This town is water-
ed by Charles and Stop rivers. It
is 17 miles S. S. W. from Boston,
and 8 S. by W. from Dedham.

During the year ending April 1,

1837, there were manufactured at
Medfield, 124,000 straw bonnets,
the value of which was $135,000.
There are also manufactures of


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