Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 255
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boots, shoes, leather, cutlery, and
brushes. Medfield was taken from
Dedham, in 1651.

During king Philip’s war, in
1765, the town was burnt, and ma-
ny of the inhabitants murdered by
the Narragansets. Philip rode on
an elegant horse, and directed the
massacre. Population, 1837, 899.

Medford, Mass.

Middfesex co. This beautiful
town is situated at the head of nav-
igation on\Mystic river, 5 miles N.
W. from Boston, and 14 E.by S. from
Concord. The Boston and Lowell
rail-road, and Middlesex canal pass
through4he town. The finest ships
that float on the ocean, are built
here : during the five years preced-
ing April 1, 1837, sixty Vessels
were built, the tonnage of which
was 24,195 tons : value $1,112,970.
There are also manufactures of
leather, spirits, linseed oil, bricks,
boots, shoes, ploughs, hats and hat
bodies. The soil of the town is
very fertile, and in a high state of
cultivation. The business ’of the
town is much associated with the
city, and many delightful country
seats are scattered over and deco-
rate the grounds improved as a farm
by Governor Winthrop in 1633.

Winter Hill, memorable as the
place of encampment of General
Burgoyne and his army, after their
capture at Saratoga, is in this town.
It is 125 feet above tide water, and
presents a view of great extent and
beauty. Medford was incorporated
in 1630. Population, 1830, 1,755 ;
1837, 2,072.

In the old burying ground, a beau-
tiful granite monument is erected,
bearing the following inscription:

Sacred to the memory of

Who was born in Medford, in the
month of May, 1752, and educated at
the Town School. He took up arms
for his country on the 19th April,
1775. He commanded the regiment
which first entered the enemy’s lines
at Saratoga, and served with honor to
the close of the war. He was ap-
pointed Marshal of the District of
Massachusetts by President Washing-
ton, and-after filling several important
civil and military offices, he -was in the
year 1816, chosen Governor of the
Commonwealth ; and discharged the
duties of that station for sever) suc-
cessive years, to general acceptance.
He was a kind and skilful physician, a
brave and prudent officer, a wise, firm,
and impartial magistrate, a true patri-
ot, axgood citizen, and a faithful friend.
In manners he was a gentleman, in
morals pure, and in profession and
practice a consistaht Christian. He
departed this life in peace ©n the first of
March, 1825, aged 73. This monu-
ment to his honored memory was
erected by several of his fellew citi-
zens and friends in the year 1838.

Medway, Mass,

Norfolk co. Medway was taken
from Medfield, in 1713. Charles
river affords this town an excellent
water power. There are 6 cotton,
and 2 woolen mills in the town, 2
cotton wadding factories, and a bell
foundry. The manufactures of cot-
ton and woolen goods, boots, shoes,
scythes, chairs, cabinet ware,
ploughs, cotton wadding, and straw
bonnet?, the year ending April 1,
1837, amounted to $330,630. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 2,050. Medway lies
22 miles S. W. from Boston, and 12
S. W. from Dedham.

Megunticoolc River and Fond.

This river rises in a pond of the
same name, in Lincolnville, Waldo
county. The pond is about 9 miles
in length, crooked and very hand-
some. It affords an excellent mill
stream, which falls into Penobscot
bay at.Camden.<%

Memphremagog Bake, Vt«

This lake is about 30 miles in
length, and two or three miles in
width. About seven miles of it lies
in the county of Orleans, the resi-
due in Canada. It receives the wa-.
ters of Barton, Black, Clyde and
other smaller streams in Vermont,


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