Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 265
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The settlement commenced in 1639.
The first purchase of land was made
of the Indians, for the considera-
tion of “6 coats, 10 blankets, 1
kettle, besides a number of hoes,
knives, hatchets, and glasses.” The
Indians made a reservation of 20
acres in the town, which was sold
by them, in 1661, for 6 coats, 2
blankets, and a pair of breeches.

Milford is bounded W. by Housa-
tonick river, and S. E. by Long
Island Sound. Tbe Indian name
of the place was
Wepawaug. The
town is generally level, and the
soil productive. There is a quarry
of beautiful serpentine marble in
the town, and a harbor for small

Poconock or Milford point is a
noted place, where are a number of
huts on the beach, occupied by
persons engaged in the oyster and
clam business.

Milford village is very pleasant,
and the scenery variegated and in-
teresting. Population, 1837, about

Millbury, Mass.

Worcester co. Millbury was
taken from Sutton, in 1813. It lies
42 miles W. S. W. from Boston,
and 6 S.E. from Worcester. Branch-
es of the Blackstone river rise in
the. town, and the Blackstone canal
passes through it. It is a very
pleasant manufacturing place, with
a valuable water power. There
are 1 paper, 6 woolen, and 1 cotton
mills; and manufactures of boots,
shoes, leather, hats, scythes, spades,
forks, hoes, ploughs, muskets,trying
squares, leUMs, trowels, machinery,
black lead, tin ware, sashes and
blinds: total value, the year ending
April 1, 1837, $566,150. Popula-
tion, 1837, 2,153.

Miller’s Rivers.

Miller's River, in Vermont, rises
in Sheffield, Caledonia county, and
passing through a part of Wheelock
falls into the Passumpsick at Lyn-

Miller's River, in Massachusetts,
rises * in ponds in Ashburnham,
and Winchendon ; it has many trib-
utaries, and passes through Atbol,
Orahge,and Wendell, and falls into
tbe Connecticut at Erving. , This
is a noble mill stream.

Milliiioivet Lake, Me.

This is a large body of water in
tbe county of Penobscot, tbe re-
cipient of many, rivers. It is an
important source of the west branch
of Penobscot river. Its outlet is a
river of the same name, and unites
with the waters ofK Pemadumcook
lake,'near the Great falls at the out-
let of the Pemadumcook.

Mill River, Mass.

See Springfield.

Millsfield, BT. H.,

Coos co., is 7 miles W. fromU-m-
bagog lake, and about 35 N.from the
White mountains.. Clear stream
waters its N. extremity, and Phil-
lip’s river with several small
streams the other parts. Here are
several ponds, the largest is about
300. rods long, 140 wide. Millsfield
was granted in 1774, and was nam-
ed after Sir Thomas Mills, a gran-
tee. It had but 33 inhabitants in

Milo, Me.

Piscataquis co. This is a beau-
tiful township on the fertile banks
of Sebee and Pleasant rivers, at
their union with the Piscataquis.
It lies 103 miles N. E. from Augus-
ta, and 15 N. E. from Dover. Pop-
ulation, 1880, 381; 1837, 640.—
Wheat crop, 1837, 4,514 bushels.
Incorporated, 1823.

Milton, Me.

Pisc.ataquis co. Population, 1837,
352. Wheat crop, same year,1,323


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