bushels. 94 miles from-Augusta. See “ Down East”
Milton, X- I*.
Strafford co. The Salmou Fall river washes its whole E. bounda- ry,- a distance of 13 miles; and a branch of the same river crosges from the S. part of Wakefield, and unites near the centre of the-E. boundary. Teneriffe, a bold and rocky mountain, extends along the E. part-of Milton, near which lies Milton pond, of considerable size, connecting with the Salmon Fall river. This town ivas formerly a part of Rochester, from which it was detached in 1802.- It lies 40 miles N. E.. from Concord, and 20 N. W. by N. from Dover. Popu- lation, 1830, 1,273.
Milton, Vt.
Chittenden co. Milton is bound- ed on the V*'. by lake Champlain, and is finely watered by the river Lamoille, It lies 12 miles N. from Burlington, and 40 'N. W. . from Montpelier. Population, 1830, 2,~ 100. 'The soil of the town is gen- erally good, and about 9,000 sheep graze, in its pastures. There are some pla.ces In Milton worthy of the traveller’s notice. A little distance from the neat and flourishing vil- lage are the Great fails, on the La- moille. In the course of 50 rods the whole river falls 150 feet.— Aboutthe middle of the rapid is a small island, by which the water passes on each side, with great vi- olence and loud roaring. The scen- ery on the banks of the river is wild and beautiful. There are some mills on the river, and consid- erable trade on the lake.
... Milton, Mass. |
Norfolk coJ This interesting and pleasant town, the Uncataquissit of the Indians, lies 7 miles S. from Boston, and 6 E. from Dedham. Neponset river washes its northern border and affords numerous valua- ble mill sites. This town was taken from Dorchester, in 1662. Popu- lation, 1837,1,772. Alargepartof tbe land is a gravelly loam, strong and very productive. The manu- factures consist of paper, granite, leather, hats, chairs, cabinet ware, playing cards, &e.’: total annual amount, about $100,000. The man- ufacture of paper from beach grass has recently been commenced, and promises to be a good substitute for rags, for the more common kinds.
-The village called, the “ Mills,” comprising a part of Dorehester, at the head of navigation, on the Ne- ponset, is a wild, romantic place, and ever .since the first settlement of the- country, has been the seat of considerable trade and manufacture.
The village at’the rail-road, near the granite quarry, in Quincy, about a mile S. E. of the “ Mills,” is very pleasant and flourishing.— By a new and beautiful bridge, called the “ Granite bridge,” across the Neponset, the distance to the city is reduced to 6 miles.
Milton contains some elegant country seats, and much delightful .scenery. The views from “ Milton Hill,” near the head df the Ne- ponset; and “Blue Kill,” a cele- brated land mark for sailors, 710 feet above the sea, in the south part of the town, 12 miles from Boston, are among the most admired in our country.
Minot, Me.
Cumberland co. . Minot is a large and excellent township of land with three very pleasant villages. The Androscoggin passes its eastern bor- der and Little Androscoggin sepa- rates it from Poland, on the-S. This is one of the most flourishing towns in the state. Although agriculture is the chief business of the people of Minot, yet its water power is so val- uable, that manufactures of various kinds are springing up with promis- ing success. Minot is connected with Lewiston, across the Andro*- |