common clay, in different propor- tions, various kinds of pottery are produced. This earth is very pure, and it is said might- be manufactur- ed into the best china ware. The bed is inexhaustible. . The black oxide of manganese is also found here. There is also a curious cav- ern in the town : after descending about 16 feet, you arrive at a room 30 feet long, and 16 wide. From this is a passage leading to a second apartment, which fs not quite so large, but more pleasant. Monk- ton is a pleasant town, 3 miles E. from Ferrisburgh, and is frequent- ly visited by tbe curious. Popula- tion, 1830, 1,384.
Monmouth, Me.
Kennebec co. This is a fine township, and beautifully watered by some of the sources of the Cob- bessecontee. It lies 15 miles S. W. from Augusta. The village is very pleasant, and is the seat of a flourishing academy. Wheat crop, 1837, 5,256 bushels. Population, same year, 1,847. Incorporated,
Monroe, Me.
Waldo co. This town 13 watered by Marsh river, a branch of the Pe- nobscot. It ties 59 miles N. E. from Augusta, and 14 N. from Belfast. Population, 1S37, 1,365. Wheat crop, same year, 5,897.
^lonroe, Mass.
Franklin.ce. This is an elevated township, bounded E. by Deerfield river. It ties 105 miles W. N. W. from Boston, and 23 W. by N. from Greenfield. Incorporated, 1822.— Population, 1837, 232.
Monroe, Ct.
Fairfield co. This town was taken from Huntington in 1823. The soil is good, and well adapted for grazing, but tbe surface is rough and stony. Agriculture is the prin- cipal business of the inhabitants.
22* |
There are excellent orchards of va- rious kinds of fruit in the town, a pleasant village on elevated ground, and a classical school. It lies 15 miles W. by N. from New Haven, and 12 E. by S. from Danbury. Population, 1830, 1,522.
A rich variety of mineral sub- stances have been discovered here. Among them, are tungsten, telluri- um, native bismouth, native silver, magnetical and common iron py- rites, copper pyrites, galena, blen- de, tourmaline, &c.
Monson, Me.
Piscataquis co. This town is watered by Piscataquis river and Wilson’s stream. Monson compris- es a fine traetof land, and is settled by a worthy class of people. In- corporated, 1822. Population, in 1S37, 565. Wheat crop, same year, 2,267 bushels. It lies 83 miles N. by E. from Augusta, and 20 N. W. from Dover. A stage runs between this town and Bangor, three times a week. Distance from Monson to Bangor, 60 miles; to Moosehead lake, 15.
Monson, Mass.
Hampden co. Monson was tak- en from Brimfield in 1760. It lies 73 miles S. W. by W. from Boston, and 13 E. from Springfield'.'• Popu- lation, 1837,2,179. This is a pleas- ant town of variegated surface, good soil and well watered by Chick- opee river. It contains a flourish- ing academy. There are 3 cotton mills in Monson, and other manu- factures. The value of cotton goods manufactured in the year ending April 1, 1837, was §67,500,
- Montague, Mass.
Franklin co. This town is on the E. bank of Connecticut river, opposite to Deerfield, and united to that town by a bridge. JVrner’s Falhy at the northerly part of the town, are more interesting than any in the state, and probably as |