perance reform. The greater part of the working men follow the whale trade, and come home only now and then. . . . We are on the increase, and hope in the eourse of a few years, through the mercy of God, to rise in point of virtue and respectabili- ty.”
The Mohegan church is between three and four miles from Norwich city, a few rods east of the public road from Norwich to New London. It is beautifully situated on an em- inence commanding a fair view of. Norwich at the north, and New London at the. south. It was built in 1831, at an.expense of between six and seven hundred dollars, con- tributed for the purpose mostly by benevolent ladies in the cities of Norwich, Hartford and New Lon- don. ' This house is designed for the use of the Mohegans, and the-white inhabitants who reside on the re- servation. The Mohegan school- house is 40 or 59 rods south of the chapel, at the foot of the hill, near by which is the house for the teach- er. About 100 rods west of the chapel, on the summit of a-com- manding eminence, was situated a Mohegan fort, some traces of which remain; they also had another fort near the river.
“ Lo ! where a savage fortress frown’d Amid yon blood-cemented ground,
A hallowed dome, with peaceful claim, Shall bear the meek Redeemer’s name; And forms like those that lingering stayed Latest ’rjeath Calvary’s awful shade,
And eailiest pierc’d the gather’d gloom To watch the Savior’s lowly tomb—
Such gentle forms the Indian’s ire Have sooth’d and bade that dome aspire. And now, where rose the murderous yell, The tuneful hymn to God shall swell— Where vengeance spread a fatal snare* Shall breathe the red man’s contrite prayer.”
Moose Rivers.
Moose river, in Maine, is a large tributary to Moosehead- lake. It: rises in the western part of Somer- set county, and after receiving the waters of several large ponds in that quarter, it passes through Bras- sua lake, 4 or 5 miles W. of the Moosehead. |
Moose river, m New Hampshire, has its source on the N. side of the White .Mountains, and unites with the Androscoggin in Shelburne.— Its source is very near that of Is- rael’s river, which passes W. into the Connecticut.
Moose river, in Vermont, is a branch of the Passumpsic ; it rises in Granby and East Haven, and falls ifito .that river at St. Johnsbury. This, in many places, is a rapid stream,about 25 miles in length.
Moose Mead Lake, Me*
This lake, the outlet of which is the source of Kennebec river, lies in the county of Piscataquis. Its form is very irregular. Its length i3 between 40 and 50 miles, and its breadth, in the widest part, about 12 mile3. The tributaries are nu- merous, and flow from almost every direction. It contains a number of islands, the largest of which is Su- gar island, containing 5,440 acres, and Deer island, containing 2,000 acres. These islands are fertile, as is the whole country surrounding the lake, except in some places where the banks are high and pre- cipitous. The waters are deep and abound in trout of an extraordinary size.
It is remarkable that the territory surrounding this inland sea, possess- ing in rich abundance all the ne- cessary requirements for the uses and comforts of man, and within three hundred miles of the capital of New England, should he left a wilderness garden, uninhabited and almost unexplored; while thous- ands of Nev/ England men are press- ing to distant regions, less health- ful, and less productive, when mar- kets for surplus produce are consid- ered.
The only settlement, of any con- sequence, on the borders of this beautiful lake, is Haskett*s Planta- tion, at the southern boundary.— |