Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 275
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This place lies 15 miles N. from
Monson, from which town stages
pass to Bangor, 60 miles. A steam*
boat plies up and down the lake,
for the purpose of transporting pas-
sengers, more particularly those
who are engaged in felling timber;
and for the purpose of towing the
timber down to the Kennebec out-

The lumber business on this lake
is very extensive, and. doubtless lu-
crative ; but the time is not very
distant when this and other sections
of Maine, will be as much valued
for the fruits of the-soil; and, under
the wise system of geological ex-
ploration, adopted by the legisla-
ture, for the quarries of slate, lime,
granite, marble, and ev.en coal, as
they are now for their forests of

This lake may be divided into
two bays. A little above the cen-
tre of it, is a narrow pass of rath-
er less than a mile across. At
this place, on the western side, is
Mount Keneo,an elevation of five or
six hundred feet projecting over the
water. From this height a pictur-
esque view of the lake, its islands,
and a boundless wilderness, is pre-
sented. When the wind blows fresh
from the north, the waters of the
north bay press through this strait
with considerable force, and cause
the south bay to rise two or three

A dam has been erected at the
outlet, for" the purpose of raising
the lake 3 or 4 feet, so as to let the
the water off as occasion may re-
quire, to facilitate the passage of
lumber on the river. We hope,
for the benefit of our friends down
stream, that the dam is of solid ma-
terials and well constructed.

MooseHillock Mountain, N. H.,

Is a noble and lofty eminence
in the S. E. part of Coventry, and
ranks among the highest mountains
in New England. The altitude of
the north peak above tide water, U
4,636 feet—that of the south, peak,
is 4,536 feet. Baker’s river has its
source on its eastern side.

Mooseluckmaguntlc Lake, Me*

A l^rge sheet of water which
empties into the Molechunkamunk,
about 2 miles south.

Moretown, Vt.

Washington co. Mad river, a
branch of the Onion, waters this
town and gives it good mill seat
The surface is mountainous, and a
great part of the soil unfit for culti-
vation. First settled, 1790. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 816. It lies 8 miles
S. W. from Montpelier.

Morgan, Vt.

Orleans co. First settled', 1800.
It lies 50 miles N. E. from Montpe-
lier, and 15 N. N-.E. from Irasburgh.
Population, 1830,331. KnowltonJs
lake, a'handsome sheet of water,
containing a variety of fish, lies in
this town. It is 4 miles in length,
and 2 in breadth, and empties into
Clyde river.

Morristown, Vt.

Lamoille co. This town lies 20
miles N. by W. from Montpelier,
and 6 S. from Hyde Park. First
settled, 1790. Population, 1830,
1,315. The surface of the town is
diversified by hills and valleys;
the soil is good, particularly on the
banks of Lamoille river, which af-
fords some water power. Here is
a neat village, and considerable
business. The people are general-
ly farmers, and produce cattle, but-
ter, cheese, and a large quantity of
wool for market.

Moscow, Me.

Somerset co. Moscow is water-
ed by a pond, and by a beautiful
stream, a branch of the Kennebec,
and lies on the east side of that
river. It is 30 miles N. from Nor-


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