Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 276
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ridgewock, and 58 N. from Augusta.
This town has a good soil and a
pleasant village. It was incorpo-
rated in 1816. Population, 1837,
477. Wheat crop, same year, 4,273

Motiltonborongh, N. II.,

Strafford co., is situated on the N.
W. shore of Winnepisiogee. lake.
This interesting town lies 45 miles
N. from Concord,and 20 E. from Ply-
mouth. This town is broken by
mountains and ponds. Red Hill, ly-
ing wholly within this town, com-
mands notice from the. east, south/
and west; and extends about 3
miles from E. to W., between Red
Hill river on the N., Great Squam
ori the W., Great Squam and Long
pond on the S., terminating S. E.
by a neck of fine land extending
into the Winnepisiogee. Its sum-
mit is covered with the
uv<s ursi
and low blueberry bush, which in
autumn give the hill a reddish hue,
from which circumstance its name
was probably derived. A number
of oval bluffs rise on its summit,
from each of which the prospect
on either hand is extensive and de-
lightful. The north bluff is sup-
posed to consist of a body of iron
ore. Bog ore is found in a brook
descending from this bluff. Ossi-
pee mountain extends its base into
this town, and is a commanding
elevation. On the south part of
this mountain, in Moultonborough,
is a mineral chalybeate spring, the
waters strongly impregnated with
iron and sulphur, and efficacious
in cutaneous eruptions. About a
mile north is a spring of pure cold
water, 16 feet in diameter, through
the centre of which the water, con-
taining a small portion of fine white
sand, is constantly thrown up to the
height of two feet—the spring fur-
nishing water sufficient for mills.
On the stream nearly a mile below,
is a beautiful waterfall of 70 feet
perpendicular. Descending on the
left of this fall, a cave is found, con-


taining charcoal and other eviden-
ces of its having been a hiding
place for the Indians. Red Hill
river originates in Sandwich, and
passes through this town into the
Winnepisiogee. Long pond is a
beautiful sheet of water, and con-
nects with the lake by a channel
sixty rods in length. .Squam and
Winnepisiogee lakes lie partly in
Moultonborough. The soil of thi3
town is fruitful, though in some
parts rocky. Moultonborough was
granted in 1763, to Col. Jonathan
Moulton and others. Settlements
commenced in 1764.

Many Indian implements and rel-
ics have been found indicating this
to have been onc6 their favorite
residence. In 1S20, on a small isl-
and in the Winnepisiogee,was found
a curious gun barrel, much worn by
age and rust, divested of its stock,
enclosed in the body of a pitch pine
tree 16 inches in diameter. Its butt
rested on a flat rock, its muzzle el-
evated about 30°. In 1819, a small
dirk, 1 1-2 feet in length from the
point to the end of tbe hilt, round
blade, was found in a new field, one
foot under ground, bearing strong
hnarks of antiquity.

On the line of Tuftonborough, on
the shore of the lake, at the mouth
of Melvin river, a gigantic skeleton
was found about 30 years since, bu-
ried in a sandy soil, apparently that
of a man more than seven feet high
—the jaw bones easily passing over
the face of a large man. A tumu-
lus has been discovered on a piece
of newly cleared land, of the length
and appearance of a human grave,
and handsomely rounded with
small stones, not found in this part
of the country; which stones are
too closely placed to be separated
by striking an ordinary blow with
a crow-bar, and bear marks of being
a composition. The Ossipee tribe
of Indians once resided in this vi-
cinity, and some years since a tree
was standing in Moultonborough,
on which was carved in hieroglyph-


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