about 100,000 bushels of charcoal, annually. A mountain stream af- fords them a water power for an axe factory and forge. These people, likewise, appear to be more inde- pendent of the common wants of mankind than .other folks; for they have no minister, physician, law- yer, post office, or tavern, yet they are remarkably healthy; and as far. as we can judge, intelligent and kind.
Muscongus River and Bay, Me.
Lincoln co. Muscongus river, rises in large ponds in the interior of the county, and on the border of Waldo county : it passes through Waldoborough, and separating Bre- men and Friendship, it forms the head waters of Muscongus bay.— This bay has a number of islands and lies between St. George’s- isl- ands off the town of St. George, on the E., and Pemmaquid point, in BremeD, on the W.
Naliant, Mass.
This celebrated watering place, is a part of the beautiful town of Lynn. It is a peninsula, jutting out about 5- miles into Massachu- setts bay, and forms Lynn bay on the south. From Boston to Nahant hotel, on the eastern point of the peninsula, by land, is 14 miles; from the centre of Lynn, 5; and from Salem 9 miles. On the N. E. side of this peninsula is a beach of great length and smoothness. It is so hard that a horse’s foot-steps are scarcely visible ; and, from half-tide to low water, it affords a ride of su- perior excellence. Much may be said in praise of Nahant without exaggeration. Its formation, situa- tion, and rugged shore, excites the, curiosity of all, and many thou- sands annually visit it for health, or pleasure.
It is only 10 miles N. E. from Boston, by the steam-boats, continu- ally plying in summer months : at this place are good fishing and fowl- ing, excep^t accommodations: the ocean scenery is exceedingly beau- tiful in fair weather, and truly sub- lime in a storm. |
Nantasket, Mass. '
See Hull.
Nantucket Co. Mass. and Town.
An island in the Atlantic ocean— town and county. It lies E. of Dukes county, and about 30 miles S. of Cape Cod, or Barnstable coun- ty. This island is about 15 miles in length, from east to west, and about 4 miles average breadth. It con- tains 50 square miles. The town, formerly called Shelburne, is in about the centre of tbe island, on the north side, in lat. 41° 16'42", W. Ion., 70° 7' 42". It is 100 miles S. E. by S. from Boston, 55 S. E. from New Bedford, 30 S. E. .from Falmouth, and 500 from Washing ton. Population, 1337, 9,048.
Nantucket has a good harbor, with 7 1-2 feet of water, at low tide, on the bar at its mouth. This island was formerly well wooded, but for many years it has not had a single tree of natural growth. The soil is light and sandy; it however affords pasturage for about 7,000 sheep, 500 cows, and other cattle. In 1659, when this county was incorporated, the island contained 3,000 Indians, but now, not one.
The whale fishery commenced here in 1690; and this place is, perhaps, more celebrated than any other, for the enterprize and success of its people, in that spe- cies of nautical adventure. Indeed Nantucket is the mother of that great branch of wealth in America, if not in the world. In the year ending April 1, 1S37, Nantucket employed 74 vessels in that fishery, the tonnage of which was 25,875 tons 1,277,009 gallons of sperm and whale oil was imported, the value of which was $1,114,012. The number of hands employed, was 1,897. The capital invested, |