Natick, Mass.
Middlesex co. Natick is a pleas- ant town, of good soil: it is watered by Charles river; and contains sev- eral delightful ponds, well stored with fish. This was a favorite re- sort c-f the' Indians. There are some moderate elevations in the. town: the Indians used to call' it “ the place of hills.” *
Under the advice and direction of the apostle Elliot, the first In- dian church in New England was formed here in 1660, and comprised 4 (f communicants.
The manufactures of the town consist principally of shoes. Dur- ing the year ending April 1S37, 250,650 pairs were made, valued at $213,053 : employing 452 hands. This town was incorporated in 1781. Population, i830, 890 ; 1S37,1,221. It lies 16 miles W. S. W. from Bos- ton, and 12 S. from Concord.
NfmgatTack River, Ct.
This important mill stream is about 50 miles in length. ‘ It rises in the north part of Litchfield-coun- ty, and after traversing a S. course nearly the whole length cf that county, it crosses the west port of New Haven county, and falls into the Housatonick at Derby.
Neal’s Brookand Poaad, Vt.
Neal’s brook, or branch, rises in Lunenburgh and the border of Guildhall, and running south fails into a pond of the same name. It continues its course south and meets the Connecticut. This is a short stream, but valuable on account of its water power.
.N'eads pond, a mile in length, and a half mile in width, is a handsome-sheet of water, and con- tains a variety of fish.
Nee&liam, Mass. |
Norfolk co. This town is nearly surrounded by the waters of Charles river. It contains numerous valua- ble mill scats. There are in the town 6 paper mill?, a cotton facto- ry, and manufactures of shoes, hats, and window blind hinges :— annual value, about $150,000. In- corporated, 1711. Population, 183J, 1,492. Needham lies 4 miles N, W. from Dedham, and 12 W. S. W. from Boston, by the Boston and Wor- cester rail-road.
Netidoek, Cape, ?ie.
A rocky, barren bluif, inhabited by a few fishermen, about 3 miles N. from York harbor.
Nelson, X. II.,
Cheshire co., is situated on the height of land between Connecti cut and Merrimack rivers. The surface is hilly-, hut good for graz- ing. In the S. part, a branch of the Ashu^t river rises ; and from Long poncPfn this town, and Han- cock, issues a branch of Contoocook river; The best mill privileges are furnished by streams issuing from ponds in this town, of which there are four, containing a surface of 1,800 acres. There is a coiton and ether manufactories. The inhabit- ants are principally farmers oi in- dustrious habits. It was chartered Feb. 22, 1774, by the name of Packersfielcl. In June, 1814, the name was altered to Nelson. The first settlements commenced in!767. Nelson lies'40 miles S. W. from Concord, and 8 N. E. from Keene. Population, 1830, 875.
KTep'onset River, Mass.
Norfolk'co. Tbe sources-ot this river are in Canton, Stoughton, and Sharon. It receives a tributary from Charles river, Mother brook, so called, and meets the tide of Bos- ton harbor at Milton Mills, 4 miles from Dorchester bay. This is a noble mill stream: on its navigable waters is the depository of the Quin- cy granite rail-road company, and |