at its mouth is Commercial Point, in Dorchester, a beautiful place, with an excellent harbor.
Kewaggen, Cape, He.
This cape is apart of the town of Boolhbay. It extends about 5 miles into the sea, and forms the eastern boundary of Sheepscot’s bay.
Newark., Vt.
Caledonia -co. The Passumpsic river is formed in this town by a collection of streams issuing prin- cipally from ponds. The town is not mountainous, but thc.soil is cold and generally unproductive. It lies 44 miles N. E. from Montpe- lier, and 19 N. W. from GuiidhaM. First settled, 1800. Population, in 1830, 257.
New Ash.Ibrd, Mass.
Berkshire co. This is a moun- tainous township, but the soil is good for grazing. In IS37, the val- ue of 2,708 fleeces of wool, pro- duced in this town, weighing 7,785 pounds, was worth $3,893. New Ashford produces fine white and variegated marble, and is the source of Green river. It lies 130 miles W. by N. from Boston, and 18 N. from Lenox. Incorporated, 1S01. Population, IS37, 253.
New Bedford, Mass.
This is ahalf shire town of Bristol county, and port of entry, pleas- antly situated on the W. side of the Aciishnet, a river, or more proper- ly an estuary, connected with Buz- zard’s bay. The ground on which the town stands rises rapidly from the river, and affords an interesting view from the opposite side.
The upper part of the town is laid out into beautiful streets, which contain many costly and superb dwellings.
This harbor, though not easy of access, is capacious and well secur- ed from winds. A wooden bridge, near the centre of the town, con- nects it with the village of Fair- haven. A ferry has also been es- tablished, on which it is proposed to run a steam boat. |
New Bedford was incorporated in 1787, previous to which it con- stituted a part of the town of Dart- mouth. In 1812, the eastern part was set off as a separate township by tbc name of Fairhaven.
The almost exclusive business cf the. place is the whale fishery, which commenced before the war of tbe revolution, and has gradual- ly grown to its present importance. The increase, however, within the last 12 years has been more rapid than during any former period.— The number of ships and brigs now employed is 189. Tonnage of the district, in 1337, 85,130 tons.
There arc 16 oil manufactories, at which a large amount of oil and can- dles i' made. A considerable quan- tity of the oil imported is, however, sold in the crude state to other pla- ces.
The manufactures of the town, consist of leather, bootsj shoes, hats, iron castings, axes, chairs, tin and cabinet wares, vessels, salt, cord- age, soap, Prussian blue, paper hangings, carriages, looking-glass frames, and carpenter’s tools: the total value, for the year ending April 1,1S37, including oil and can- dles, amounted to $690,S00. There were imported, during that year, 2,472,735 gallons of oil, and 305,170 pounds of whale bone, tbe value of which was $1,750,832. The capital invested in the whale fish- ery was $4,210,000. The num- ber of hands employed was 4,000.
Few places in Massachusetts have increased in population more rapidly than this. By the census of 1790, the ^population of the village was about 700. In 1830, the township contained 7,592 ; in 1833, 9,200, and in 1837, 14,304.
Within a few years,the inhabitants of this town have manifested a com- mendable liberality in providing the |