Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 283
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1768; died May 28, 1803, aged 67.
Population, 1830, 1,680.

New Braintree, Mass.

means of education. There is a
flourishing academy in tbe town, and
large sums are annually appropria-
ted for the maintenance of public
and private schools.

A rail-road will soon be construct-
ed from this place,'to meet the Bos-
ton and Providence, at Seekonk,
by the way of Fall River; or to
meet the Taunton rail-road at Taun-
ton. By either of those routes, a
trip to Boston or New York, would
be very pleasant. A large and
w'ealthy town, highly flourishing
in its commerce and manufactures
like this, with the neighboring isl-
ands of Nantucket and Martha’s
Vineyard, seem to require it.

New Bedford lies 52 miles S.
from Boston, 52 N. W. from Nan-
tucket, 14 E. by S. from Fall River,
20 S. S. E. from Taunton, and 214
N. E. by E. from New York.

New Boston, N. II.,

Hillsborough co., is 9 miles N.
N. W. from Amherst, and 22 S.
by W. from Concord. It is water-
ed by several streams, the largest
of which is the S. branch of Piscat-
aquog river, having its source in
Pleasant pond, in Francestown.— !
This town consists of fertile hills,
productive vales, and some valuable
meadows. The soil is favorable for
all the various productions common
to this section of the state, and there
are many excellent farms, under
good cultivation. In the S. part of
New Boston, there is a considerable
elevation, called Jo English hill, on
one side of which it is nearly per-
pendicular. Its height is 572 feet.
Beard’s pond, and Jo English pond,
are the only ponds of npte. New
Boston was granted, 1736, to inhab-
itants of Boston. It was incorpora-
ted, 1763. The first settlement
commenced about the year 1733.
The first minister was Rev. Solo-
mon Moor, from Ireland, who re-
ceived his education at Glasgow.
In Feb. 1767, he arrived at New
Boston, and was ordained Sept. 6,

Worcester co. Ware river and
other streams water this town, and
afford it good mill privileges. The
soil’of the town is good, particular-
ly for grazing : it has become cele-
brated for its good farmers, and for
its excellent beef cattle, butter and
cheese. There is a cotton mill in
the town, and manufactures of
leather, palm-leaf hats, &,c. It lies
60 miles W. from Boston, and 18 W.
N. W. from Worcester. Incorpo-
rated, 1751. Population, 1837, 780.

Newburgh, Me.

Penobscot co. This is a good
township .of land, 54 miles N. E.
from Augusta, and, 14 S. W. from
Bangor. Incorporated, 1819. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 626 ; 1837, 867. Wa-
tered by' a branch of the Sowadabs-
cook. Wheat crop, 1837, 5,041

Newbury, N. H.

Merrimack co. This town was
originally called
Dantzick ; it was
1 incorporated by the name of Fish-
ersfield, in 1778, and took its pres-
ent name, in 1837. It lies 40 miles
N. W. by W. from Amherst, and
30 W. by N. from Concord. The
S. part of Sunapee lake lies in the
N. W. part. Todd pond, 500 rods
in length, and 60 in width, affords a
small branch to Warner river.;—
From Chalk pond issues- a small
stream communicating with Suna-
pee lake. The land is generally
mountainous, and the soil hard and
rocky. The first settlement in this
town was made in the year 1762,
by Zephaniah Clark, Esq. Popula-
tion, 1830, 793.

Newbury, Vt.

Orange co. This is a beautiful
town on the W. side of.Connecti-
cut river, and supplied with mill
privileges by Wells river, and


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