Hariman’s and Hill’s brooks. These brooks have, their sources in ponds of considerable size. Newbury comprises the tract commonly call- ed the-Great Oxbow, on a bend in Connecticut river. This tract is of great extent, and celebrated for its luxuriance and beauty. The agri- cultural productions of the town are very valuable, consisting of beef cattle, wool, and all the varieties of the dairy. The town contains a number of mineral springs, of some celebrity in scrofulous and cutane- ous complaints.
The villages of JVewbury and JVells River are very pleasant : they command a flourishing trade, and contain manufacturing estab- lishments of various kinds. Some of the buildings are very handsome. The scenery of the windings of the river through this fine tract of al- luvial meadow, contrasted with the abrupt acclivities in the north part of the town, is very striking and beautiful.
The town is connected with Ha- verhill, N. H., by two bridges. It lies 27 miles S. E. from Montpelier, and 20 N. E. from Chelsea. Popu- lation, 1830, 2,252. First settled, 1764. The first settlers endured many hardships. For some years they had to go to Charlestown to mill, 60 miles distant, carrying their grain in canoes down the river, or drawing it on the ice.
General Bailey, a patriot of the revolution, distinguished himself in the settlement of the town.
The state legislature held their sessions in Newbury, in the years 1787, and 1801.
Newbury, Mass. |
Essex co. This ancient and re- spectable town, lies on Merrimack river, opposite to Salisbury. It for- merly comprised the territory of Newburyport and West Newbury. The soil is of an excellent quality; and in a high state of cultivation. Parker and Artichoke rivers are pleasant streams; the former falls nearly-50 feet in the town, and af- fords it good mill seats. A part of Plum island, is attached to thi3 town. This island, ahout ninu miles in length and one in breadth, extend- ing from Ipswich river to the mouth of the Merrimack, is comprised of sandy beach and salt .meadow ; and is noted for the beach plum, which ripens in September.
A curious cavern, called the “ Devil’s Den,” contains specimens of asbestos, limestone, marble, ser- pentine and amianthos. The scene- ry on the high grounds is rich, va- riegated and beautiful.
Dummer academy, founded in 1756, is a flourishing institution : it is situated in the parish of “ Bv- field.”
The manufactures of Newbury consist of cotton goods, leather, hoots, shoes, carriages, cordage, fishing nets, bed cords and cotton lines: annual value about $75,000. A large number of vessels are built in the town, and some navigation is owned and employed in the coast- ing trade and fishery.
This town is celebrated as the birth place of many distinguished men. Theophilus Parsons, LL. D., an eminent jurist, was born in Newbury, February 24, 1750. He died in Boston, October 6,1813.
Newbury was first settled, in 1635. Its Indian name was Quaf- cacunquen. It lies 31 miles N. by E. from Boston, 17 N. from Salem, and 8 S. from Newburyport. Pop ulation, 1837, 3,771.
Newburyport, Mass.
One of the shire towns of Essex county. Thisis considered one of the most beautiful towns in New Eng- land. It lies on a gentle acclivity, on the south bank of the Merri- mack, at the union of that river with the ocean. In point of terri- tory, it is the smallest town in the commonwealth, being only one mile square. It was taken from New- |