Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 285
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bury in 1764. Population, in 1837,
6,741. This place has been and
now is considerably noted for its
commerce and ship building. Some
of the old continental frigates were
built here; and in 1790, the ton-
nage of the port was 11,870 tons.
Of late years the'foreign commerce
of the pi&ce has diminished, in con-
sequence of a sand bar at the mouth
of the harbor. This place has con-
siderable inland and foreign com-
merce. It has four whale ships,
and a large .amount of tonnage en-
gaged in the freighting business
and the cod and mackerel fisheries.
Tonnage of the district, in' 1837,
22,078 tons.

The manufactures of Newbury-
port consist of cotton goods, boots,
shoes, hats, bar iron, iron castings,
chairs, cabinet and tin wares, combs,
spirits, vessels, snuff, scgars, or-
gans, soap and candles: annual
amount about $350,000. The pro-
duct of the whale fishery,, the year
ending April 1, 1837, was $142,9S2.
During the same period, this town
and Newbury had 12? vessels em-
ployed in the cod and mackerel
fishery, employing 1,000 hands:
product that year, $177,700.

Newburyport lies 34 miles N. by
E. from Boston, 20 N. from Salem,
24 S. by W. from Portsmouth, N.
H., and 2 miles S. E. from Essex
bridge. Lat. 42° 47' N.; Ion. 70°
47' W. From the mouth of this
harbor, Plum Island, extends to the
mouth of Ipswich river.

The Hon. William Bartlett
and Moses Browjv, Esq.,
guished for their enterprise and in-
tegrity as merchants, were natives
of this town.

The celebrated George White-
one of the founders of the
sect of tbe Methodists, and one of
its most eloquent preachers, died in
this town, Sept. 21, 1770.

A handsome monument has been
erected to his memory, by the Hon.
William Bartlett, the fol-
lowing is a part of the inscription:

This Cenotaph
Is erected, with affectionate
veneration, to
The memory of the
Born at Gloucester; England,
December 16,1714.
Educated at Oxford University}
Ordained 1736.

In a ministry of thirty-four years,
He crossed the Atlantic thirteen times,
And preached more
Than eighteen thousand sermons.
As a Soldier of the
Cross, humble, devout, ardent,

He put on the
Whole armor of God ; Preferring
The honour of Christ
To his own interest, repose,
Reputation, and .life.

New Canaan, Ct.

Fairfield co. This town was tak-
en from Norwalk and Stamford in
1801. It lies 5 miles N. W. from
Norwalk, 37 W. S.
W. from New
Haven, and 50 N. E. from New
York. Population, 1830, 1,826.—
The surface of the town is rough
and mountainous; the soil is a hard,
gravelly loam, but generally pro-
ductive. The manufacture of shoes
is carried on to. a considerable ex-
tent : the annual value is about

An academy was established here
in 1815, and has acquired a high
reputation. It stands on an eleva-
ted and commanding situation, hav-
ing a fine prospect of Long Island
Sound and the intervening country.
Pestles and other Indian implements
have been found at the north part of
the town, which probably was the
resort of the natives. Excavations
in solid rock, one large enough to
contain eight gallons, are found:
these were doubtless Indian mor-

New Castle, Me.

Lincoln co. New Castle lies on the
W. side of Damariscotta river, about
15 miles from its mouth. It is
36 miles S. E. from Augusta, and
8 N. E. from Wiscasset. Incorpo-


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