Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 286
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rated, 1753. Population, in 1837,
1,545. This is a pleasant town, and
flourishing in its trade and naviga-

New Castle, N. H.,

Rockingham co., is a rough and
rocky island, situated'in Portsmouth
harbor, and formerly called
A handsome bridge, built
in 1821, connects this town with
Portsmouth. Here’ is an ancient
church. Rev. Samuel Moody
preached here previous to the com-
mencement of the 18th century.
New Castle was incorporated in
1693, and contains 458 acres. This
island was the ’seat of' business,
when ancient
Strawberry Bank
was the mere germ of the town of
Portsmouth. Fishing is here pur-
sued with success j and the soil
among the rocks, being of .good
quality, is made to produce abund-
antly. Fort Constitution and the
light-house stand on this island.—
Population, 1830, 850.

New Fairfield, Ct.

Fairfield co. This is a small town-
ship, rough and hilly, with a hard
and gravelly soil. It lies 64 miles
S. W. from' Hartford, and 7 N. from
Danbury. Incorporated, in 1740.
Population, 1830, 940.

New Durham, N. H.

Strafford co. The surface of this
town is very uneven, a portion so
rocky as to be unfit for cultivation.
The soil is generally moist, and
well adapted to grazing. There
are 5 ponds in New Durham, the
largest of which is Merrymeeting
pond, about 10 miles in circumfer-
ence, from which a copious and
perpetual stream runs into Merry-
meeting bay, in Alton. Ela’s river
flows fromColdrain pondintoFarm- !
ington, on which is a fine waterfall.
The Cocheco also has its source
here. Mount Betty, Cropple-crown
and Straw’s mountains are the prin-
cipal eminences. On the N. E. side
of the latter is a remarkable cave,
the entrance of which is about 3
feet wide and 10 feet high. The
outer room is 20 feet square; the
inner apartments become smaller,
until at the distance of 50 feet they
are too small to be investigated.—
The sides, both of the galleries and
the rooms are solid granite. They
bear marks of having been once
united, and were probably separat-
ed by some great convulsion of

There is a fountain, over which a
part of Ela’s river passes, which is
regarded as a curiosity. By sinking
a .small mouthed vessel into this
fountain, water may’ be procured
extremely cold and pure. Its depth
has not'been ascertained. Near the
centre of the town is Rattlesnake
hill, the S. side of which is almost
100 feet high, and nearly perpen-
dicular. Several other hills in this
town contain precipices and cavi-
ties, some of considerable extent.
New Durham was granted in 1749.
It was incorporated Dec. 7, 1762.

Elder Benjamin Randall, the
founder of the sect of Freewill
Baptists, commenced his labors here
in 1780, and organized a church.
He died in 1808, aged 60.

New Durham lies 30 miles N. E.
from Concord, and 32 N. W. by N.
from Dover. Population, in 1830,

Neivfune, Vt.

Windham co. County town.—
Newfane lies about 100 miles S.
from Montpelier, and 12 N. W.
from Brattleborough. First settled,
1766. The town is watered by a
branch of West river, and several
other streams. The surface of the
town is diversified by hills and val-
leys; the soil is good, and produces
white oak and walnut in abundance.
There is but little waste land in the
town: the uplands are inferior to
none for grazing, and the intervales
afford excellent tillage. Newfane
exhibits a great variety of minerals,


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