among which are some of value. Perhaps no town in the state pre- sents a more inviting field for the mineralogist than this.
There are two pleasant villages in the town. The centre village contains the county buildings: it is on elevated land, and commands a very extensive and delightful pros- pect. Population, 1830, 1,441.
Newfound Fond and River,N.H.
See Bristol.
Newfield, Me.
York co. This town is watered by Little Ossipee river, and lids 99 miles S. W. by W. from Augusta, and 15 N. W. from Alfred. It is a good farming town and produces considerable wheat and wool. It was incorporated in 1794. Popula- tion, 1837, 1,322 |
New Gloucester, Me*
Cumberland co. This is a pleasant and flourishing farming town, 23 miles N. from Portland, and 38 S. W. from Augusta. Incorporated, 1774. Population, 1837, 1,861. It is well watered by Royal’s river, on which are mills of various kinds. The soil of the town is very fertile, containing large tracts of intervale. The first settlers were compelled to build a block house for their pro- tection against the Indians. In this building the people attended pub-, lie worship for a number of years. This town has an abundant water power, a school fund of $4,000, and a society of about 300 of those neat and industrious people, “ whose faith is one and whose practice is one.” See-Canterbury, N. H. |