ever there was of good., or evil, of wisdom or folly, in laying the foun- dations of civilized society in this part of New England, must be as- cribed in a great measure to them. Though the government which was established'was extremely pop- ular in its form, these men with- out doubt were looked up to for devising and executing the most important measures. Their “ com- pany,” as it was called, appear to have had entire confidence in their sound judgment, ability and integ- rity ; and they did notning to for- feit the' good opinion of their fol- lowers. Their influence in all the concerns of the colony, especially in what respected the form of gov- ernment, the means of education, and the institutions of religion, must have been constant and com- manding.
In 1784*, New Haven was incor- porated as a city, the limits of which on the northwest fall within those of the town, so that Westville, a settlement on the foot of West Rock, is excluded from the former. About one half of the village of Fair Ha- ven, in the eastern portion of the town, lies within the bounds of the city. The area of the town is about eight, and that of the city about six square miles. The harbor is well protected and spacious, but the wa- ter is shallow. A wharf extends into the harbor about three quar- ters of a mile. |
The original town is a square, half a mile on each side, and subdi- vided by streets four rods in width, into nine squares, the central one of which is reserved for public uses. Most of the squares are further di- vided by intermediate streets. At the present day, this original plot comprises less than half of the in- habited part of the city. Streets and avenues have been opened on every side, and many of them have become thickly settled. The streets are in general, spacious and regu- lar; very’ many of them adorned with lpfly elms, which in the sum- mer season contribute much to the beauty and comfort of the place. The number of shade trees through- out the city is uncommonly large, and they constitute one of its most attractive features. ■ Most of the dwelling houses are distinguished for simplicity and neatness. With- in a few years the style of build- ing has greatly improved, and many private houses have been erected and are now going up, which dis- play much elegance and architectu- ral taste. The houses are com- monly detached, and supplied with court yards and gardens ornament- ed with trees and shrubbery, and the eye is thus gratified with a de- lightful Union -of the country and the city.
There are two principal public squares. The first, commonly call- ed the Green, is in the centre of the original town, and comprises in all a little more than sixteen acres. - It is divided into two sec- tions by Temple street, which is lined with ranges of stately and over-arching elms, and is considered one of tbe finest streets in the city. The eastern section of the Green is entirely free from buildings. On the western section, facing the S.E., L.tand 3 churches, two Congregation- al, built of brick, and one Episco- pal, of stone: all of these build- ings are of excellent appearance. In the rear of tbe centre church stands the state house. These four buildings, taken in connexion with the line of college edifices on the next square beyond, and with the surrounding scenery, constitute a group not often > equalled in this country. The state house is a structure of great size and admira- ble proportions. The porticos are modelled from those of the temple of Theseus, at Athens, and the building, viewed at a short distance, has an air of uncommon beauty |