Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 295
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institutions for the promotion of the
science, industry and comfort of its

The Connecticut Academy of Arts
and Sciences
was incorporated in
1799. It has published one volume
of Memoirs, (S vo. 1810—1813, pp.
412 ;).butsince the establishment of
Prof. Silliman’s Journal of Science,
their Memoirs have appeared in that

The American Geological So-
was incorporated in 1819.-r-
Its collection of- specimens is con-
nected with the mineral cabinet of
Yale College.

The Yale Natural History So-
has existed four years, and
has a considerable collection of
birds, shells, minerals, plants, &c.
Its transactions have hitherto been
made public through Prof.. Silii-
man’s Journal of Science. - The
Mutual Aid Association is an insti-
tution of great utility. The
Haven Horticultural Society
Orphan Asylum are well sup-
ported and highly beneficial.

The m.ecbanics of New Haven
have long been distinguished for
their industry, intelligence and love
of knowledge.. As early as 1807
they established the
Mechanics' So-
for the promotion of the use-
ful arts, and the encouragement of
industry and merit. The society
is in a prosperous condition^ - The
young mechanics have, moreover,
established for 4heir mutual im-
provement, the
Young Mechanics'
The plan has been pro-
secuted with zeal and success.
The Institute has a cabinet of min-
erals ; a collection of philosophical
apparatus, and several hundred vol-
umes of books. The manufactures
of New Haven are numerous;
among which are boots, shoes, car-
pets, and rugs of a superior quality,
stoves, locks, paper, books, hats,
tin and cabinet wares, muskets,
iron castings, machinery, sashes,
window blinds, &c.

The manufacturing interest of

New Haven employs an extensive
capital, and a large number of per-

The foreign commerce of New
Haven is principally confined to
the West India.Islands, with which
a considerable trade is carried on.
Tonnage of the district, in 1837,
9,559 tons.

A line of packets plies between
this and New York city, and an ex-
cellent line of steam-boats furnish-
es. daily communication with that

The New Haven and Northamp-
ton Canal connects the waters of
Connecticut river at the latterplace,
with the harbor of this city. This
great work, haring surmounted
many difficulties and, embarrass-
ments, is now in a fait* way to give
a new impulse to the business of
the city. A line of packet boats
runs dally between Northampton
and New Haven, and promises to
be well sustained.

The New Haven and Hartford
Rail-Road is now in the course of
construction, and will probably be
completed during the present year.
When finished it must prove of
great importance to the interests of
the place.

The village' of Fair Haven is
built on both sides the Quinnipiack,
and about one half of it lies within
th£ limits of the city of New Ha-
ven. This village has grown to its
present importance with great rapid-
ity, and now carries on an exten-
sive and thriving business. It has
two churches, and a large and pros-
perous high school, known as the
Fair Haven Institute.

The village of Westville contains
about 700 inhabitants. Manufac-
tures and agriculture constitute the
chief business of the place.

New Haven may justly boast of
many distinguished men who made
that city their favorite residence.
The names of
David Wooster,
of Nathan Whiting, of Rog-
er Sherman, of James Hill-


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