several pleasant and thriving villa- ges, in which are large and valua- ble manufactures.
New Market was originally a part of Exeter, and was detached and incorporated, 1727.
Mrs, Fanny Shute, who died in this town September, 1819, was re- spected not only for her excellent qualities, but the adventures of her youth. When 13 months old, she was taken by a party of Indians, carried to Canada, and disposed of to the French—educated in a nun- nery, and after remaining 13 years in captivity, was redeemed and re- stored to her friends.
Daniel Brackett recently died in this town. He weighed 560 lbs.
New Marlborough, Mass.
Berkshire co.. There is a large pond in this town, and a branch of Housatonick river. The surface is uneven, and the soil best adapted for grazing. It, w as incorporated in 1759, and lies 135 miles S. W. by W. from Boston, and 20 S.. by E. from (Lenox. Population, in 1837, l,570l
Th^re are two caverns in this town, ^containing stalactites. The manufactures consist of leather, boots, ^hoes, chairs, cabinet ware, and a variety of sawed lumber.— The products of the dairy are con- siderable, and about 1,600 sheep are pastured.
New Milford, Ct. |
Litchfield co. This township is hjlly and broken, several mountain- ous ridges extending through it. The soil is much diversified, and where susceptible of cultivation, it is generally good; but on the whole more distinguished for grain than grass. There are, however, large quantities of excellent meadow ground, hut the pasturage is, on the whole, not abundant. It is essen- tially a farming town. For some lime after the white people come here, an Indian chief, or sachem, 25 named IVerauhamaug, had a pal- ace standing near the Great falls, where he resided. On the inner walls of this palace, (which were of bark with the smooth side * in- wards,) were pictured every known species of beast, bird, fish and in- sect, from the largest to the small- est. This was said to have been done by artists whom ai friendly prince at a great distance sent to him for that purpose, as Hiram did to Solomon. The town of New Milford was purchased, of the Col- ony of Connecticut by a company of individuals chiefly belonging to Mil- ford, and was first-settled in 1707. The first bridge that was ever built over the Housatonick river, from the sea to its source was built in this town in 1737. The village of New Milford is very handsome; the streets are wide and well shaded. It lies 36 miles N. W. from New Haven, and IS S. W. from Litch- field. Population, 1830,3,979. The territory of this town is larger than any other in the state : it is 13 by 6 1-2 miles. The town is well water- ed, and has solne manufactures. There are large quantities of gran- ite and marble, and the town pro- duces large quantities of grain and wool for market.
Newport, Me.
I Penobscot co. This is a fine farm- ing town, and watered by a large and beautiful pond which empties into Sebasticook river. It lies 56 miles N. E. from Augusta and 24 W. from Bangor. Population, 1837, 1,088. Wheatcrop same year, 5,173 bushels. This town contains a pleas- ant village and some mills.
Newport, N. H.
Shire town, Sullivan county. Its central situation and its water pow- er, together with the enterprising spirit of its inhabitants, has render- ed Newport a place of considerable business. It is 40 miles N.from Concord, about 35 N. from Keene, |