and 14 E. S. E. from Windsor, Vt. Near the centre of the town, and the confluence of the E. and S. branches of Sugar river and the Croydon turnpike, is a handsome village. In general the soil is rich and productive. Sugar river flows through this town, and its three branches unite near the village, whence it passes'through Claremont into the Connecticut. On the east- ern branch are situated, principally near the village, large and valuable manufacturing establishments.— There-are othey mills in different parts of the town. There are a few eminences, designated as Bald, Coitand East mountains, and Blue- berry hill. Newport was granted by charter in 1761. The first ef- fort towards a settlement was made in the fall of 1763. The first 'set- tlers were principally from Kill- ingworth, Ct. This town'is noted for its good schools and its various charitable societies. Population, 1830, 1,913.
Newport, Vt.
Orleans co. This town is sepa- rated from Derby by Memphrema- gog lake, and is watered by a branch of Missisque river. It lies 48 miles N. by E. from Montpelier, and 10 N. from Irasburgb. Population, 1830, 284.
Newport County, R. f.
Newport is the chief town. This county comprises seven towns and a number of islands; but the most interesting section of it is the isl- and of Rhode Island, from which the state derives its name.. This island is about 15 miles in length, and has a mean breadth of two miles and a half.
The surface presents an interesting variety of moderate eminences and declivities, which render the scene- ry very pleasing. Valuable mine- rals are found on the island, and fossil coal, difficult of ignition, is found in large quantities. The soil of the island is very rich, and under the management of skilful farmers is made to produce in great abundance all the varieties of grains, grasses, vegetables, fruits and flow- ers common to its latitude. |
It is remarkable that not only this island, but the county generally, should he so fertile. The poorest lands in New England are gener- ally on the sea,board; but as it re- gards this county, few sections of the interior present a better-soil.
From the earliest settlement of the country, this county has been engaged in commerce and the fish- ery. These interests are now in a flourishing condition; and manu- facturing establishments are in- creasing, by the aid of steam pow- er. In 1837 there were 37,340 sheep in the county.
Newport county is bound N. by Mount Hope bay, and Bristol coun- ty, Mass.; E. by'said county of Bristol; S. by the Atlantic ocean, and W. by Narraganset bay. Area, 136 square miles/Population, 1820, 15,771; 1830, 16,535. Population to a square mile, 122.
Newport, R. I.
Chief town of Newport county, and one of the seats of the state leg- islature. Tt is in N. latitude 41° 28r 20", and W. longitude 71° 21' 14": 5 miles from the sea, 30 miles S. by E. from Providence, 70 S. S. W. from Boston, and 153 from New York, by water. The township lies in an irregular and somewhat of a semicircular form, about 6 miles in length and 1 in breadth. In com- mon with the whole island of Rhode Island, on which Newport is situa- ted, the soil is remarkably fertile and under good cultivation. The surface is undulating, presenting a great variety of delightful scenery. The waters of Narraganset hay at this place are unrivalled for beauty and convenience. The harbor of Newport is considered one of the best on the coast of America: it |