W N. W. from Boston, and 17 E. S. E. from Greenfield. This is a pleasant town of elevated surface, and good soil for grazing. Popula- tion, 1837, 1,255. The manufac- tures of the towii, consist of palm- leaf hats, boots, shoes, leather, straw bonnets, and ploughs. In- corporated, 1753.
New Sharon, Me.
Franklin, co. This town is water- ed on the northwest side by Sandy river, and is bounded south by Vi- enna. * The soil is admirably adapt- ed to agricultural purposes. Popu- lation, 1837, 1,771. Wheat crop, same year, 8,132 bushels. It lies 26 miles N. W. from Augusta. In- corporated, 1794.
New Slioreham, R. I.
Newport co. This town , com- prises the island of Block Island. The island lies in the open sea, about 14 miles S. S. W. from Judith Point, and 13 N. E. from Montauk Point, on Long Island,-N. Y. It is about 8 miles in length, and varies from 2 to 4 miles in width. It has several ponds, which cover about a seventh part of the island. The surface of the town is uneven; in some parts elevated. The soil is a sandy, gravelly loam, and quite productive. This island was once famous for its cattle and good dai- ries. The people are mostly fish- ermen : they have no harbor, and peat is their only fuel. Population, 1830, 1,185. Incorporated, 1672. Its Indian name was Manisses.
Newton, Mass.
Middlesex co. A very beauti- ful, agricultural and manufacturing town, the JYonantum of the In- dians, 7 miles W. by S. from Boston, 12 S. E. from Concord, and 7 N. from Dedham. Charles river wash- es the borders of this town 15 miles, and, by two falls of considerable ex- tent, affords it a great and valuable water power. Nine bridges cross | |
Charles river in this town. The soil is generally very good, and highly cultivated. There are 2 cotton, 1 woolen, and 5 paper mills in the town, and manufactures of nails, rolled iron, candles, vit- riol, barilla, chaises, harnesses, mo- rocco, leather, boots, shoes, ma- chinery, chairs, and cabinet ware; the value of which, the year end- ing April 1, 1837, amounted to $815,872. Newton was incorpo- rated in 1691; it formerly com- prised the town of Cambridge, and is noted as the birth place and resi- dence of many distinguished men. Population, 1S30, 2,377 ; 1837,
3,037. A Theological Seminary was established in this town, in 1825. See Register.
Newtown, N. H.,
Rockingham co., lies 40 miles S- E. from Concord, and 27 S. S. W. from Portsmouth. Country pond lies in Newtown and Kingston, and two other- small ponds connect by outlets with its waters. The soil produces good crops of grain or grass. Joseph Bartlett first settled in this town, in 1720. Bartlett was taken prisoner by the Indians at Haverhill, in 1708, and remained a captive in Canada about 4 years. Population, 1830, 510.
Newtown, Ct.
Fairfield co. This town was in- corporated in 170S. It is watered by Patatuck river, the Indian name of the place. It lies 25 miles W. N. W. from New Haven, 10 E. from Danbury, and 22 N. from Fair- field. Population, 1830, 3,100.— The surface of the town is hilly; many of the eminences are exten- sive and continuous. The soil is principally a gravelly loam, gener- ally fertile and productive. It is well adapted to the culture of grain, and is also favorable for fruit, there being many valuable orchards in the town. The borough of Newtown is beautifully situated on high |