tains from the southwest to north- east passes through the central part of the town. The inhabitants are generally substantial Yarmers, and property is very equally distributed. The face of the township is gene- rally hilly, but the soil is strong and fertile. . It lies 9 miles E. from New Haven. Population, 1SS2, 1,100
About a mile southeast of the Northfordchurch,on Tetoket moun- tain, there is the appearance of hav- ing 'been, at’same, remote period, some violent convulsions in nature; the rocks appear to have been rent asunder, and are thrown about in great disorder. Lead is said to have been found near this spot, a mfcss of it being discovered by a person who was hunting, at the time of the first settlement of the parish: he hung up a pair of buck’s horns to designate the spot, but the place could not be found afterwards.
Nortlibrldge, Mass.
Worcester co. The Blackstone river and canal pass- through this pleasant manufacturing and agri- cultural town. It has some excel- lent intervale land, and the soil of the uplands produces grass, grain, and vegetables in abundance. The river here is beautiful, and produces a great hydraulic power. The manufactures of the town consist of -cotton and woolen goods, cotton machinery, boots,.shoes, &c.: val- ue, the year ending April 1, 1S37, $281,000.
Northbridge lies 85 miles S. W. by W. from Boston, and 13 S. E. from Worcester. Incorporated, 1772. Population, 1830, 1,053; 1837, 1,409.
North Bridgewater, Mass.
Plymouth co. This town lies 20 miles S. from Boston, 24 N. W. from Plymouth, and 10 S. S. W. from Weymouth Landing. Population, 1830, 1,953; 1837, 2,701. It is well watered by Salisbury river and other small streams which emp- ty into the Taunton. The surface of the town is uneven, but the soil is of a good quality, particularly for grazing. Incorporated, 1S21. |
The manufactures of the town consist of cotton goods, boots, shoes, hats, chairs, shoe tools, forks, hoes, cabinet and wooden wares, &c.: total amount, the vear ending April 1, 1837, $236,700"
We regret that this very pleas- ant town was not called Titicut or JVunketest, one of the Indian names of the ancient territory.
This town was the first of the three Bridge waters thathave sprung from Old Bridgewater, named after a celebrated English Duke. We can see no good cause for attaching a cardinal point of the compass to the name of any town, particularly one of foreign derivation, when somq beautiful Indian name meets the ear on the -bank of almost every stream. Had .the noble Duke bequeathed to good old mother Bridgewater and her three handsome daughters, (as he did to the city of Manchester,)the perpetual privilege of obtaining 140 pounds of coal for four pence, there would appear some* reason for per- petuating and extending the name.
Some just remarks on the names of towns appeared in the Provi- dence Journal, which are worthy of repetition.
“ Indian Names. The new state of Michigan has passed one of the most sensible laws that was ever enacted. Its object is to pre- serve the noble and harmonious old Indian names, which have been giv- en to every fiver and. lake and for- est and mountain in our country, and which, by a bad taste, have in many instances, been displaced by the hackneyed names of European cities, or of distinguished men. The law provides that no town shall be named after any other place or af- ter any man, without first ob- taining the'consent of the Legisla- ture. The consequence is, that |