Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 308
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Michigan is destitute of London,
Paris and Amsterdam; unlike her
sister states, she boasts neither
Thebes, Palmyra,Carthage or Troy.
No collection of log huts, with half
a dozen grocery stores, has been
honored with the appellation of Liv-
erpool, nor has any embryo city,
with a college or an academy, re-
ceived the appropriate name of
Athens. She has no Moscow and
Morocco, in the same latitude; and
noEdinburgh and Alexandria within
thirty miles of each other. Baby-
lon, Sparta and Corinth,though they
have been transplanted to other
parts of the Union, are destined ne-
ver to flourish on the soil of Mich-
igan. No Franklin or Greene or
Jefferson, no Washington, is to be
found in her borders. On the con-
trary, her rivers and lakes still re-
tain the full, rich, swelling names
which were bestowed upon them by
the red men of the forests, and her
towns bear the names of the sturdy
chiefs who once battled or hunted
in their streets. Strange, when we
have such a noble nomenclature as
the Indians have left us, that we
should copy from the worn out
names of ancient cities, and which
awake no feelings but ridicule, by
the contrast between the old and the
new. Mohawk, Seneca, Massasoit,
Ontario, Erie, how infinitely supe-
rior to Paris, London, Fishville,
Buttertown, Bungtown, &c. The
feeling which prompts us to perpet-
uate the names of our revolutionary
heroes by naming towns after them,
is highly honorable; but it should
not be forgotten that frequent rep-
etition (especially in cases where
the town is utterly unworthy of its
namesake) renders the name vulgar
and ridiculous. It seems, that not
content with driving the Indians
from the soil, we are anxious to ob-
literate every trace of their exist-

We are glad to see a better taste
beginning to prevail upon this sub-
ject, and we hope that the example
of Michigan will be followed, if not
by legal enactments, at least by the
force of public opinion.”

North. Brookfield, Mass.

Worcester co. This town is on
elevated ground: it is of good soil,
well cultivated, well watered and
very pleasant. It has a fine fish
pond, and lies 68 miles W. from
Boston, and 18 W. from Worcester:
taken from Brookfield in 1802.
Population,1830,1,241; 1837,1,509.
The agricultural products sent to
market are very'considerable. The
manufactures of the town consist
of boots and shoes, woolen cloth,
leather, &c., the value of which for
the year ending April 1,1837, was
$525,224; of which $470,316 was
for boots and shoes.

Northfield, Vt.

Washington co. This town lies
10 miles S.’S. W. from Montpelier,
and 35 E from Burlington. Popu-
lation in 1830, 1,412. First settled,
1785. The principal stream in this
town is Dog river, which runs
through it in a northerly direction,
and affords a great number of valu-
able mill privileges. The surface
is uneven, but the soil is generally
good and easily cultivated. In the
centre of the town is a neat, pleas-
ant and flourishing village, contain-
ing a number of saw mills and other
mechanical operations by water.

North field, Me.

Incorporated 1838. See “ Down

Northfield, N. II.,

Merrimack co., is bounded N. by
Winnepisiogee river, and W. by
the Merrimack. It is 14 miles N.
from Concord, and 10 W. by S. of
Gilmanton. The soil here is in
some parts good—that of the best
quality lies on the two ridges ex-
tending through the town. Ches-
nut pond lies in the east part of the
town, and its waters flow into the


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