Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 309
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Winnepisiogee three miles fiom its
junction with the Pemigewasset.—
Sondogardy pond flows into the
Merrimack. Near Webster’s falls,
the Winnepisiogee falls into the
Pemigewasset, and the united
-streams form the Merrimack river.
The principal elevation, called Bean
hill, separates the town from Can-
terbury. Northfield formerly pos-
sessed valuable water privileges on
the Winnepisiogee river, hut this
portion of its territory is embraced
by the new town of Franklin.—
The- first settlement was made here
in T7,6G,by Benjamin Blanchard and
others. A methodist church was
Tormedhere in 1S06. Incorporated
June -19, 1780. Population, 1830,

Northfield, Mass.

Franklin co. This is an interest-
ing town, on botlusides of Connec-
ticut river. It was incorporated in
1673, and some, years after desolated
by the Indians. The inhabitants
returned again in 168.5, but it was
soon after destroyed a second time.
In 1713, it was again rebuilt. Fort
Hummer was in the vicinity. This
town was purchased of the Indians
in 1687, for 200 fathoms of wampum
and £57 value of goods. Its Indian
name was
Squawkeag. Most of the
land in this town is excellent, and
the village very pleasant: 28 miles
below Walpole, N. H., 11 N. E.
from Greenfield, and 83 N. W. by
W. from Boston. Northfield produ-
ces fine cattle, and considerable
wool. The manufactures of the
town consist of leather, boots, shoes,
ploughs, chairs and cabinet ware.
Population, 1837, 1,605.

North. Haven, Ct.

New Haven co. North Haven
was taken from New Haven in 1786.
The town lies on both sides of the
Wallingford,or Quinnipiac river, and
comprises the valley and a part of
the bordering hills. The valley is
partly rich intervale land, and more
extensively sand ; covered with a
thin stratum of loam; light hut
warm. Near the northern line of
the town it is so light as, in two or
three places of small extent, to be
blown into drifts. The soil of the
hills is good, being a reddish loam.

From the vicinity of this town to
New Haven, and from its light and
warm soil, which is favorable for
early vegetation, there are various
culinary vegetables, particularly
peas, cultivated for the New Ha-
ven market. But the most striking
feature in the township, is the large
and beautiful tract of salt meadows
on both sides of the Quinnipiac.—
These meadows produce large
quantities of grass, which is mow-
ed and stacked upon the land, from
whence, when the ground is frozen
sufficiently solid in the winter, it is
removed. Upon the salt marsh the
hay is salt; but on those meadows
which are protected from the salt
water by means of dikes, the grass
is fresh and of a better quality.—
These are called dike marshes or
meadows. The . making of brick
receives considerable attention in
this town. Four and a half millions
of them are manufactured annually,
and principally sold in New Haven.

. The village is very pleasant, and
was, for more than half a century,
the residence of Dr.
the celebrated historian of Connec-

Ezra Stiles, D. D., president
of Yale college, was horn in this
town, in 1727, and died in 1795. He
delighted in preaching the gospel to
the poor. Among the members of
his church at Newport were seven
negroes. These occasionally met
in his study, when he instructed
them, and falling on their knees to-
gether he implored for them and for
himself the blessing of that God
with whom all distinction except-
ing that of Christian excellence is
as nothing. In the cause of civil
and religious liberty, Dr. Stiles was
an enthusiast. He contended, that


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