Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 310
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the right of conscience and private
judgment was unalienable; and
that no exigencies of the Christian
church could render it lawful to
erect any body of men into a stand-
ing judicatory over the churches.
He engaged with zeal in the cause
of his country. He thought, that
the thirtieth of January, which was
observed by the Episcopalians in
commemoration of the martyrdom
of Charles I, “ ought to be celebrat-
ed as an anniversary thanksgiving,
that one nation on earth had so much
fortitude and public justice, as to
make a royal tyrant bow to the sove-
reignty of the people.” He was
catholic in hi3 sentiments, for his
heart was open to receive all who
loved the Lord Jesus in sincerity.
He was conspicuous for his benev-
olence, as well as for his learning
and piety. He was a man of low
stature, and of a small,.though well
proportioned form. His voice was
clear and energetic. His counte-
nance, especially in conversation,
was expressive of benignity and
mildness; but if occasion required,
it became the index of majesty and

North Hero, Vt.

Chief town, Grand Isle co. This
town was granted to Ethan Allen
and others in 1779, and the settle-
ment 'commenced in 1733. The
British erected a block house here,
at a place called Dutchman’s Point,
which was garrisoned and not given
up till 1796. The soil of the town-
ship is of an excellent quality, and
produces grain of all kinds in abun-
dance. The county buildings are
well situated, and the scenery about
the village is very pleasant. It
lies 57 miles N. W. from Montpe-
lier, and 23 N. N. W. from Burling-
ton. Population, 1830, 633.

North Kingston, R. I-

Washington co. This is a w ^althy
township on the west side1 of Narra-
ganset bay, 21 miles S. from Prov-
idence, 10 N. W. from Newport,
and8N. from South Kingston.—
The surface of the town is uneven;
the soil is
a gravelly loam, well
adapted for the culture of grain and
vegetables, and the productions of
the dairy. There are some forests
in the town of good ship timber.—
It is’, watered by several small
streams which produce a good water
power, on which are numerous man-
ufacturing establishments. These
streams afford bass and other fish in
abundance. There is considerable
navigation owned at North Kings-
ton, which is employed in thecoast-
ing trade and fishery.

JVickford village,-in this town,
is very pleasant and flourishing: it
has a good harbor, and is a place of
considerable trade. It lies about 2
miles east of the Stonington rail-
road. Pop. of the town, 1S30,3,037.

Xorthport, 3Ie.

Waldo, co. This town is bounded*
on the east by Penobscot and Bel-
fast bays. It is well watered by
several ponds and small streams: the
soil is good and productive. The
navigable advantages of tbe place
are great. Considerable ship build-
ing is carried on here, and there is
considerable trade in the lumber
and coasting business. It lies 46
miles E. from Augusta and 6 S. from
Belfast. Population, 1337, 1,107.

North Providence, R. I.

Providence co. This ancient and
wealthy town was a part of Provi-
dence until 1767. Population, in
1810, 1,753; 1320, 2,420; 1830,


The surface of this town is une-
ven, consisting of moderate eleva-
tions and gentle declivities. The
rocks are primitive and transition :
some limestone is found.

The prevailing soil is a gravelly
loam, which is interspersed with
tracts of sandy loam, and some of
calcareous. The forests consist of
oak, walnut and some pine; and


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