pleasant villages and mills of vari- ous kinds are erected. Northum- berland was incorporated in 1779. First settled, 1767. Population, 1830, 352.
Near the river a small fort was erected during the revolutionary- war, and placed in the command of Capt. Jeremiah Eames, afterwards well known for his usefulness, wit and pleasantry.
Northwood, N. H.
Rockingham co. There are a num- ber of ponds in this town, and ex- cellent fishing. Suncook pond, 750 rods long, 100 wide ; Jenness' pond, 300 rods long, 150 wide ; Long pond, about 300 rods long, 50 wide; Harvey’s pond, 200 rods long, from 40 to 80 wide ; a part of Great Bow pond is also in this town, and a part of North river pond ; Pleasant pond, and Little Bow pond. The north branch of Lamprey river has its rise in this town near Saddleback mountain, a high ridge between this town and Deerfield. On the E. side of this ridge are found crystals and crystalline spars of various col- ors atid sizes. This town has an elevated site,and commands a distant and varied prospect. The waters flowing from the farm of the late Jonathan Clarke, Esq., one of the first settlers, fall into three different rivers, the-Suncook, Lamprey and Isinglass. The soil of this town is generally moist, and well suited to grazing. Northwood was original- ly a part of Nottingham, and was settled in 1763. Northwood is 20 miles E. from Concord, 20 N. W. from Exeter, and ajx)ut the same distance W. from Dover. Popula- tion, 1830, 1,342.
Nortli Yarmouth, 31c. |
Cumberland co. Thisisapleasant town on Casco bay, 10 miles N. from Portland, and 42 S. E. from Augus- ta. Population. 1837, 2,782. The town was first settled in 1640. In 1687 it was attacked by th'e Indians, 26 and deserted by the whites; and was not re-settled by them until 1725. It was incorporated in 1713. About 4000 tons of navigation is owned here, employed in the trans- portation of lumber and the fishery. There is a fine stream of water in the town, on which are a paper and saw mills, and other manufactories. The academy in North Yarmouth is well founded and is in a flourish- ing condition. See Register.
Norton, Mass.
Bristol co. Norton was taken from Taunton in 1771. It lies 30 miles S. from Boston, 17 N. E. from Providence, and 8 N-. W*. from Taunton. Population, 1837, 1,530. It is well watered by Rumford, Co- casset and Canoe rivers, which empty into the Taunton. The manu- factures of the town consist of sheet copper and copper bolts, cotton goods, boots, shoes, leather, iron castings, ploughs, shuttles, straw bonnets and baskets:—total value, the year ending April 1, 1837, $397,763.
Winnicuonit pond, in this town, was a great resort for the Indians, some of whom resided in natural caves, on its shores, and lived on lish and clams.
Norwalk, Ct.
Fairfield co. This pleasant town lies on Long Island Sound, 32miles W. S. W. from New Haven, 22 S. from Danbury, and 48 N. E. from New York. Population, 1S30, 3,792.
Norwalk originally included part of the present towns of New Cana- an and Wilton, and part of West- port. In the ancient record, the bounds arc stated to be “ from Nor- walk river to Sauhatuck river, from sea, Indian one day walk into tbe country.” For this tract the fol- lowing articles were given, viz; “ 8 fathom wampum, 6 coats, 10 hatch- ets, 10 hoes, 10 knives, 10 scissors, lOjewsharps, 10 fathom tobacco, 3 |