Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 313
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kettles, 3 hands-about, and 10 look-
ing glasses.” The following, arti-
cles were given to the Indians for
the tract “ from Norwalk river to
Five mile river, from sea, Indian
one day in country,” viz. “ 10
fathom wampum, 3 hatchets, 3 hoes
when ships comfe, glasses, 12 to-
bacco pipes, 3 knives, 10 drillers,
10 needles.” The name of Nor-
walk is derived from the above bar-
gain, viz ; the northern bounds of
the lands purchased were to extend
from the sea one day’s
“north ibalk
into tbe country,

The soil in this town is excel-
lent. The surface is uneven, be-
ing pleasantly diversified with hills
and valleys. On the border of the
Sound the hills are generally mod-
erate, and in the interior more ele-

“ The valley which lies along
Norwalk river, and in which the
town is built, is beautiful. Few
richer prospects of the same extent
can be found than that which is
presented from the neighboring era-
inences'oTThis ground : the town
built in its bosom, with its cheerful
spires; the river flowing through
the middle ; the farms on the bor-
dering hills; the rich plain that
skirts the Sound, and a train of is-
lands fronting the mouth of the riv-
er, and extending eastward five or
six miles ; together with an unlim-
ited view of the Sound, and the
Long Island shore.”

Norwalk contains two considera-
ble and flourishing villages; Nor-
walk Borough, and the village of
Old Well. Norwalk Borough, (con-
stituted a*s such in 1836,) is a vil-
lage of upwards of 130 handsome
buildings, and an extensive pottery.
Norwalk is a place of considerable
activity and business, being a com-
mercial depot and market for the
northern part of the county ; a con-
siderable proportion of the staple
products being brought here (or
sale, or to be freighted for New

The village is built on both sides
of a small river or creek, which is
much contracted in width at the
bridge which connects the two parts
of the village, and the buildings on
each side of the* stream are so near
each other, that the passage of the
river from the north is not readily
perceived at a short distance. Ves-
sels drawing six feet of water ean
get up to the bridge in the most
compact part of tbe village.

The flourishing village of Old
Well is situated about 1 1-2 miles
south of the central part of Nor-
walk Borough, on the west side of
the creek.

There are at present in this vil-
lage six or seven hat factories, three
potteries, and a carriage making
establishment:    This    is    the princi-

pal landing place forsteam-boats for
Norwalk and the vicinity, there.be-
ing a daily line from and to New
York. A hoat every other day
leaves Norwalk bridge for New

There is a cotton factory- and a
factory for manufacturing carpets
in the town. This establishment,
called the “ Patent Carpet Compa-
ny,” was commenced in 1834.—
Their carpeting, of which they
manufacture at this time about 200
yards daily, is made
without spin-
ning dr weaving, being made.of
felting, the material of which hats
are composed.

This town was burnt by the Brit-
ish, under Tryon, on the 17th July,
1779. Eighty1 dwelling1 houses, 2
churches, 87 barns, 17 shops, 4
mills, and'5 vessels were destroyed.

Norway, Me.

Oxford co.- This is a fine town-
ship, well watered by several
streams and ponds. One of the
ponds is large,—very handsome,
and discharges its waters into Little
Androscoggin river. Norway lies
47 miles W.bv S. from Augusta,
and is bounded on the E. by Paris.
Incorporated, 1797. Population,


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