Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 316
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part of Essex county. These
branches unite and fall into the
Connecticut at Brunswick. This
river is in some parts rapid ; in oth-
ers, deep and sluggish. It waters
about 120 square miles, and is fifty
feet wide at its mouth. The head
waters of this and of the river Clyde,
pass N. into Memphremagog lake,
and are near each other. This
was formerly an Indian route be-
tween Connecticut river and Cana-

Oakham, 3£ass.

Worcester co. The surface of
this town is uneven
\ some of the
lands which border on the streams
that fall into Chickopee river are
fertile. The highlands are not very
good. There is a satinet factory in
the town, and manufactures of
straw bonnets, palm-leaf hats, leath-
er,"ploughs, boots and shoes.

Oakham lies 60 miles W. from
Boston, and 15 N. W. from Worces-
ter. It was taken from Rutland in
1762. Population, IS37, 1,109.

Oldtown, Me.

Penobscot co. See Orono.

Oldtown Harbor, Mass.

See Edgartown.

Olammon, Me.

Penobscot co. See G-reenbush.

Ompomponoosuc River, Vt.

This good mill stream is about 20
miles in length :—it rises near the
centre of the county- of Orange,
and falls into Connecticut river at

Onion. River, Vt.

This is one of the largest and
most valuable rivers in the state.—
It is about 70. miles in length, and in
its course fertilizes large tracts of
land and produces a great hydraulic
power. This stream rises in Cale-
donia county:    it passes nearly

through the centre of the counties
of Washington and Chittenden, and

after passing “ Winooski city” it
falls into Champlain lake, five miles
N. from Burlington village.

Winooski is the beautiful Indian
name of this river, and had the good
people of Winooski possessed the
exquisite taste of their predecessors
they would probably have called
their charming little city

Onion river, so called, has nu-
merous tributaries, and is one of the
most rornajitic streams in the coun-
try. The channels which have
been worn in the rocks, by its cease-
less current, are objects of. great
admiration. In its passage through
the mountains are found fissures
through solid ro.cks from 30 ta 100
feet in depth, with smooth perpen-
dicular sides, fiO or 70 feet in width.
In many places on this stream are
natural bridges, curious caverns,
and delightful water-falls.

The road near the banks of this
stream, from Connecticut river to
Burlington, is said to be the best
passage across the mountains, in
that direction: it is certainly highly
picturesque and delightful.

Oquossak Bake, Me.

Oxford co. This large lake lies a
few miles N. E. of the Mooseluck-
maguntic. It is very irregular in its
form, and contains many islands.

Orange, X. H.,

Grafton.co., is 16 miles E. from
Dartmouth college, 10 S. W. from
Plymouth, and 40 N. W. from Con-
cord. Population, 1830, 405. In
this town ve found many mineral
substances, such as lead ore, iron
ore, &c. There fe in the S. E. part
a small pond', in which is found a
species of paint resembling spruce
yellow. Chalk, intermixed with
magnesia, is said to be procured,,
from the same pond. In 1810, a
valuable species of ochre was dis-
covered. It is found in great abun-
dance, deposited in veins, and of a
quality superior to the imported.—


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