Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 318
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for their beauty and fertility. There
are two considerable elevations,
called Mount Cuba and Mount Sun-
day, lying near the centre of the
town. There are four or five ponds
of considerable size, pne of which,
called Baker’s upper pond, lies with-
in 3 or 4 miles of Connecticut river.
This pond discharges its waters in-
to another pond, lying partly in
Wentworth, and the. waters of both
empty into Baker’s river. Indian
pond lies about 1 mile west Irom
Baker’s upper pond. Limestone
is found in great abundance.
It is of tbe primitive kind, coarse
grained, and forms a strong arid hard
cement. It is found at the foot of a
mountain* about 400 or 500 feet
above Connecticut river. Soap
stone is also found here in great
abundance. A light grey granite
rock, much used for mill stone?
for building, is found in various jife-*'
ces. Galena, or lead ore, of a very?
fine texture, containing need$ij|pf
crystallized quartz, or lead,has been
found, in considerable quantities in
sinking a well. Orford contains a
pleasant village, situated on the
main road. “It is built on a beau-
tiful plain bordered by intervale on
the W. The hills on both sides of
the river, near the centre of the ex-
pansion, approach each other so as
to form a kind of neck; and with a
similar approximation at the two
ends give the whole the appear-
ance. of a double amphitheatre, or
of tbe numerical figure 8. The
greatest breadth of each division is
about 11-2 miles; and the length of
each between 2 and
3 miles.” The
buildings stand principally on a sin-
gle street, of 2 or 3 miles in extent.
Orford was granted Sept. 25, 1761.
In June, 1765, a Mr. Cross with his
family, from Lebanon, first settled
in this town. A congregational
church was gathered Aug. 27,1770.
Rev. Oliver Noble was ordained
Nov. 5, 1771. Population, 1S30,

Orland, Me*

Hancock co. This to wn li^s on
the east side of Penobscot river, op-
posite to Orphan’s Island. It lies
64 miles E. from Augusta and 12
W. from Ellsworth. Orland is fine-
ly watered by ponds and streams:
it has a good soil, a pleasaut village
and great navigable facilities. In-
corporated, 1800. Population, 1S30*
975; 1837, 1,244.

Orleans County, Vt*

Irasburgh, chief town. This
county is bounded N. by Lower
Canada, E. by Essex and Caledonia
counties, S. by Caledonia county,
and W. by Franklin and Lamoille
counties. This county lies between
the eastern and western ranges of
the Green mountains. The surface
is generally handsome and the soil
well adapted for wheat, rye and
,g£dse: the climate is rather too cold
'Wcorn, and some parts of the coun-
low and tnarshy. Orleans
county is watered by Missisque,
Black, Barton and other rivers. It
contains more ponds than any coun-
ty in the state. Mudh of its trade
goes to Canada by tbe way of
Memphremagog lake, which lies in
this county and Canada. In 1837
there were 30,657 sheep in the
county. Incorporated, 1792. Pop-
ulation, 1S30,11,375.

Orleans, Mass.

Barnstable co. Orleans was tak-
en from Eastham, in 1797. It ex-
tends across a narrow part of Cape
Cod, and i3 indented with coves and
creeks on both sides. Stage harbor
opens on the east through Chatham
andNauset beaches, which extend
along the coast:—between which
and the town is Pleasant bay, with
several islands. In 1837, there
were 33 vessels belonging to Orleans
engaged in the cod and mackerel
fishery, the tonnage of which was
2,310 tons. They took 20,000 quin-
tals of cod fish and 600 barrels of


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