mackerel. There were 31,000 bushels of salt used, and 2 04 men and boys were employed. The value of fish taken, when cured and packed, was $91,100 :—capital in- vested,-$33,000. There are 50 es- tablishments for the manufacture of salt in the town ; during the year ending April 1, 1837, there were 21,730 bushels made. There are also manufactures of palm-leaf hats, leather, boots, shoes and tin ware. Orleans lies 20 miles E. from Barn- stable. Population, 1830, 1,799; 1837, 1,936.
Orono, Me.
Penobscot co. This town lie? on the west side of Penobscot river, and is watered by Dead stream and a large part of Pushaw lake. It is 74"miles N. E. from Augusta. In- corporated,-1806. Population, 1830, 1,473 ; 1837, 3,961. The soil of the town is good, and produced, in 1837, 1,744 bushels of wheat. This town borders on the Great Falls in Penobscot river, and contains a great number of saw mills, which manufacture a vast amount of lum- ber annually for the Bangor market. Orono is pleasant and uncommonly flourishing.
A rail-road between Bangor and the villages of Stillwater and Old- town, in Orono, was opened for travel in 1836. It is 12 miles in length, and .cost $350,000. ‘ The Penobscot river at Oldtown, above the falls, is 40 feet higher than at Bangor. The village of Stillwater is 4 miles below Oldtown.
Above tbe falls, and about a mile above the village of Oldtown, near tbe mouth of Dead stream, on “ Old- town Island,” is'-the Indian Settle- ment. This settlement is very plea- santly located, and secure from ap- proach except by boats or canoes. It contains a number of framed houses, and a neat chapel with a bell. |
In 1837, John Neptune, the lieu- tenant Governor, and other officers of the Penobscot tribe of Indians, finished taking by families a very particular census of ail who belong to the tribe, for the purpose of a jusj and equal distribution of the annuities and other monies paid to them. It was found that the fami- lies in ail were ninety five—the list exhibiting the head of each family by name, and the number of indi- viduals each one contains, annexed thereto. The whole number of souls in the tribe was three hundred and sixty-two. Their officers are, a governor, lieutenant governor, a colonel, four captains, one’squire, and one deacon. In religion they are cathoiics. Several of them can read, and a few can write, though in a poor hand.
The whole tribe is divided in pol- itics, and on some occasions party spirit rages with almost as much warmth as among the pale faces, though generally better tempered. No affair of honor, or rather of murder, has ever been known to disgrace these savages.
The tribe own, collectively, all the islands in the Penobscot river, beginning with that of Oldiown, where their village is, and including all up as far as the forks, several miles above the Matawamkeag, many of which are exceedingly pleasant and fertile.
The Indians are not poor, having sold some of their lands for large shms. To such a remnant, howev- er, is this tribe reduced—a tribe an- ciently and uniformly called the Tarratines, who could bring into the field more than two thousand warriors, and who claimed the lands on both sides of the Penobscot riv- er from its sources to its mouth.
Orphan’s Island, Me.
Penobscot co. This island, con- taining about 5,000 acres of excel- lent land, at the mouth of Penob- scot river, is 4 miles in length. Itis attached to the town of Bucksport; the head or north part of it lies oppo- |