Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 320
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site to the beautiful village in that
town. This island divides the Penob-
scot into two branches: the western
or main branch is called the “ Nar-
rows, ’on which side a fortis about to
be constructed by the U. S. govern-
ment for the protection of the river.
The other branch is called “ Eastern

This beautiful island derived its
name from its having been the.pro-
perty of an orphan heiress who in-
herited it as her part of the Waldo

Orringtoii, Me.

Penobscot co. This is a fine town-
ship of land with a handsome vil-
lage on the east side of Penobscot,
river, opposite to Hampden. The
town has a good mill stream and en-
joys great navigable facilities. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 1,426. Wheat crop, i
same year, 2,340 bushels. •

Orwell, Vt.

Rutland co. This town lies opt
Champlain lake opposite to Ticpa-
deroga, N. Y. and contains Masu&,
Independence, celebrated in the an-
nals of the revolutionary war. The
lake here is about a mile wicfl?; and
from the Mount a delightful pr5s^
pect is presented. Orwell was first
permanently settled m 1783. The
soil of the town is generally good
and productive. In 1337 it contain-
ed 21,512 sheep. There is a spring
in tbe town from the - waters of.
which Epsom salts have been made,
and shells of animals have been
found supposed .to have pertained to
the ocean. There are good mill
streams in Orwell and a pleasant
village. Population, 1830, 1,598.

Ossipee, X. H.,

Strafford co. is 60 milee N. N. E.
from Concord, and about io N. E.
from Gilford, across Winnepisiogee
lake. Ossipee mountain, a rough
and broken range, lies in the N. W.
part of Ossipee, extending into the
adjoining towns. It is 6 or 8 miles
| in length, and is so elevated that
in easterly storms the winds break
over the summits, frequently caus-
ing much injury to the farms, and
buildings at its base. Ossipee lake
is in this town, and Freedom : it is
a fine body of water, of an oval form,
covering about 7,000 acres, having
no island, and its waters clear and
beautiful. Ossipee river flows from
this lake, from whence it passes
through Freedom into tbe Saco, in
Maine. Pine river passes through
the E. part of Ossipee, and Bear-
camp river falls into the lake on the
N. W. TheKLAre several ponds in
Q^sjp^^SSBl|est of which lies
partly in Tuft^pborough, and is
about 400 rods lorig. Bear pond in
the S. E.^art, has no visible outlet.
Near the W. shore of Ossipee lake,
is a mound ofifearth 45 or 50 feet in
of ’a circular form, and
about 10 feel high, from which have
been taken several entire skeletons,
and also tomahawks, &.c. exhibiting
the strongest evidence that the tribe
once so powerful in this vicinity
fead-their principal residence here.
Ossipee was incorporated, Feb. 22,
17S5. Population, 1830, 1,935.

Otis, Me.

Hancock co. Otis was incorpo-
rated in 1835. It is bounded on the
west by Ellsworth. It is the source
of some of the rivers which flow
into Frenchman’s bay, and Union
river, passes its N. W. corner. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 92.

Otis, Mass.

Berkshire co. This township is
on high ground, and is the source of
some of the head waters of Farm-
ington and Westfield rivers. These
streams flowfrom several very hand-
some ponds. The surface of the
town is uneven but the soil is pro-
ductive, particularly of good pastur-
age. The manufactures consist of
leather, boots, shoes, chairs, cabi-
net ware, lumber, &c. It lies 139
miles W. by S. from Boston, and 15


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