good soil and undulating surface,— it produced,in 1337,5,326 bushels of wheat. Population, same year, 1,533. It lies 16 miles E. N. E. from Augusta, and 24 W. from Bel- fast. Incorporated, 1*804.'
Palmer, Mass.
Hampden co. This town was originally settled by a colony from Ireland. It was incorporated in 1752. The surface of Palmer is hilly, but the soil is good, particu- larly along the banks of Ware and Swift rivers, by which it is finely watered, and supplied with water power. There are 1 woolen and 2 cotton mills in the town, and manu- facture's of boots, shoes, scythes, palm-leaf hats and wagons;—total amount, the year ending April 1, 1837, $178,556. The value of 2,652 fleecfesof wool sheared in this town, that yearr was $4,243.— Palmer lies 70 miles W. by S. from Boston, and 16 E. N. E. from Springfield. Population,1830,1,237; 1837, 1,810.
Palmyra, Me.
Somerset co. Sebasticook river passes through this town, and af- fords it a good water power. The soil is rich, and the surface undulating. There are some mills in the town, and considerable attention is paid to its agricultural interests. It lifes 51 miles N. N. E. from Augusta, and 25 E. N. E. from Norridgewock. Incorporated, 1807. Population, in 1837, 1,328. Wheat crop, same year, 8,523 bushels.
Panton, Vt.
Addison co. This town is bound- ed W. by Champlain lake., and E. by Otter creek. A sluggish stream passes through it; yet, although thus watered, it does not possess a good mill site, the country being exceed- ingly level. It lies 40 miles W. S. W. from Montpelier, 13 N. W. from Middlebury, 25 S. by W. from Burlington, and is 4 miles frorfi |
Elizabethtown, N. Y., across the lake. Population, 1830, 605.
Paris, Me.
Chief town, Oxford co. Paris is well watered,and supplied with mill privileges by Little Androscoggin river, on which are several mills in the town. The soil is excellent, al- though in some parts uneven and mountainous. The principal vil- lage is well built, pleasantly located, and the seat of considerable busi- ness. The town was incorporated in 1793. Population, 1837, 2,352. Wheat crop, same year, 10,453 bushels. Paris lies 42 miles W. by S. from Augusta, and 40 N. by W. from Portland.
Parkman, Me.
Piscataquis co. This town is wa- tered by a branch'of Piscataquis river, and has an excellent soil for agricultural purposes. It lies 64 miles N. by E. from Augusta, and 14 W. from Dover. Incorporated, 1822. Population, 1830,803; 1837, 1,125. Wheat crop, 1337, 6,018 bushels.
Parsonsfield, Me.
York co. This town lies at the N. W. corner of the county, and is bounded W. by the state of Ntiw Hampshire, and N. by Ossipee riv- er. It is 36 miles W. by N. from Portland, 21 N. by-W. from Alfred, and 93 W. S. W. from Augusta.— First settled, 1774. Incorporated, 17S5. Population, 1837, 2,510.— The surface of the town is rough and hilly, but the soil, though hard, is productive of good crops of grain and hay. Wheat crop, 1837, 3,929 bushels.
There are many good farmers in this town, and good specimens ot iron ore, zinc and crystalized quartz are found here. In this place is an incorporated seminary, for the edu- cation of males a'nd females. The institution is under the direction ol the Free Will Baptists, and is in a flourishing condition. |