Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 324
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Passadnmkeag, Me.

Penobscot co. This town lies on
the east side of Penobscot river, 98
miles N. E. from Augusta, and 30
N. by E. from Bangor. The soil of
the town is fertile, and promises a
rich reward to the industrious farm-
er. Population, 183,7,422. Wheat
crop, same year, 1,070 bushels.

The milage of Passadumkeag
is admirable located, and will doubt-
less become an important mart of
the trade of a large section of coun-
try. This flourishing village lies at
the junction of Passadumkeag river
with the Penobscot. This delight-
ful stream is about 25 miles in
length. It rises in the north east-
ern part of this county, and. waters
the northern part of Hancock coun-
ty. It re-enters Penobscot county,
and receives the Cold stream, two
miles from Passadumkeag village.
Both the Passadumkeag and Cold
stream afford excellent mill privi-

Passamaquoddy Bay, Me.

This hay lies partly in Maine,
and partly in the British Province
of New Brunswick. The bounda-
ry line between the state of Maine
and New Brunswick passes through
the western part of this bay up the
river St. Croix. Campo Bello,Deer,
and other English' islands almost en-
close this bay from the ocean. At
its mouth it is about 9 miles in width,
and extends .from - West Quoddy
Head, in Lubee, due north into
New Brunswick, about 25 miles.—
This bay contains a great number of
excellent harbors; it is never frozr
en over,.and abounds with cod, her-
ring and other fishes. The most,
important English town on thrs bay
is St. Andrews, a. very flourishing
place, 15 miles N. from Eastport.—
Passamaquoddy Indians re-
side at Perry, Me.

Passiunpsick River, Vt.

This river rises in Caledonia,
and on the south border of Essex


counties. It passes south about
35 miles, and falls into the Connec-
ticut at Barnet, about a mile below
the foot of Fifteen Mile Falls. It
has a number of tributaries. This
is a valuable stream, both on ac-
count of the numerous mill sites it
affords, and the large tracts of choice
intervale it forms on its borders.—
It is generally deep, but in many
places it is very rapid, and forms
beautiful cascades.

Patrlcktown, Me.

Lincoln co. This . plantation
contains the principal part of a large
pond, and is watered .by streams
which flow into the Sheepscot and
Damariscotta. This is a large plan-
tation, of good soil. Population,
1837, 465. It lies 17 miles E. from
Augusta, and 20 N. W. from War-

Pawc&tuck River.

This river rises in the western
part of Rhode Island, and empties
into Long Island Sound, separating,
at its mouth, the towns of Westerly,
R. I., and Stonington, Ct. It is
navigable about 6 miles from its
mouth, and Wood and Charles riv-
ers, two of its principals tributaries,
are good mill streams.

Pawcatuck village. See West-

Pawlet, Vt.

Rutland co. First settled, 1761.
Population, 1830, 1,965. Pawlet
lies 21 miles S. W. from Rutland,
and 27 S. E. from Whitehall, N. Y.
The town is watered by Pawlet
river, which falls into Champlain
lake at Whitehall, and by Indian
yiveK, which rises from a spring
sufficiently large to carry a mill.—
The latter river was formerly a
great resort of the natives, who fre-
quented it for trout and other fish
with which it abounds. The terri-
tory.of Pawlet is nearly divided by
a range of mountains, the highest
summit of which is known by the


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