name of “ Haystack/’ This is a pleasant town, with some manufac- tures. The soil is dry and warm, and produces good crops of corn and hay.' It feeds about 14,000 sheep.
Pawtucket, Mass.
Bristol co. The town of Pawtuck- et lies on the east side of the river of the same name. It is two miles square, and was taken from Seekonk in 1823. The population of the town, inlSSO,was 1,453; 1837,1,831.
The village of Pawtucket is very pleasant;—it is an important manufacturing place, commanding a considerable trade, and contains a population of about 8,000. It lies on both sides of the river, and in- cludes a part of the town of North Providence, in R. I.
The first manufacture of cotton cloth in this country, by water pow- er machinery, was commenced at this place. The water power is immense, and the fall of the river within a short distance, is 50 feet.
The river is navigable to the vil- lage for vessels of considerable burthen. It runs 4 miles S. by W. to Providence river, at India Point, near the depot of the Boston and Providence rail-road, one mile be- low the centre of the city of Provi- dence. The river, above Pawtuck- et, in Massachusetts, takes the name ofBlackstone; below the fallsittakes the name of Seekonk. This place is 4 miles N. from Providence, 36 S. from Boston, 18 W. by S. from Taunton, and 38 S. E. from Wor- cester. At this place are J.2 or more cotton mills and print works, and manufactures of cotton machin- ery, bobbins, spools, &c.; of boots, shoes, carriages, vessels, chain, cabinet wares, &c.; total, annual value, about two millions of dollars.
The turnpike road from this place to Providence is probably the best road of the kind in the world. It is very straight, wide, level, smooth, and shaded on each side by beauti- ful trees. |
Samuel Slater, Esq., the father of cotton fnanufacturos in America, resided in thi3'village many years. He died at Webster, Mass., greatly respected, April 20, 1335, aged 67.
Paivtuxet River, R. I.
This celebrated river rises in the western part of the State. It has nu- merous tributaries,and mingles with the waters of the Narraganset, five miles below Providence. This riv- er is distinguished for its valuable mill sites,and for the numerous man- ufacturing ‘establishments erected on its banks. Pawtuxet and its branches fertilize a large portion of the state. See Warwick.
Paxton, Mass. ,
Worcester co. Paxton was tak- en from Leicester and Rutland, in 1785. It is on high ground; its waters descend both to the Connec- ticut and Merrimack. It lies 50 miles W. from Boston, and 7 N. W. from Worcester. Population, 1837, 619. This is a pleasant town, vvith manufactures of palm-leaf hats, boots, shoes, leather, carriages, &.c. The surface of the town .is uneven, but the soil is good, and well culti- vated. by its proprietors.
Peacham, Vt.
Caledonia co. As no Town can .be considered properly peopled without some ’ of the fair sex, the date of the firstsettlemenl of Peach- ■am must have/beeii near 1777, when Henry Elkins, the first child in town, was born,.-' The first mill was erected in 1731. The town is well watered by several ponds and streams ; surface is pleasantly diversified), the soil fertile and well cultivated by^independent farmers. The agricultural products are con- siderable^. About Q,000 sheep are kept. Peaehain lies 20 miles E. by N. from .Montpelier, and .8 S. by W. from Danville. Population, 1830, 1,351. |