Peeling, N. H.
Grafton co. This town is 20. miles N. from Plymouth, and 60,N. from Concord. The Pe-migewasset pas- ses through its E. section. The three branches'of this river unite in the N. part of Peeling. There are sev- eral brooks and rivulets which sup- ply this place with a number of toill privileges.- The ponds are numer- ous. Cushman’s mountain, in' the S. W., Black mountain in the N. W., and Blue mountain in the W. are the highest elevations. Among these mountains, branches of the Wild Ainonoosuck and Baker’s riv- ers, and Moosefiiliock brook, have their sources. On the last stream there is a beautiful cascade.' There are here two springs which have been termed medicinal. Peeling was settled about 1773. Popula- tion, 1830, 291.
Pelbam, X. H.
Hillsborough co This town is distant 37 miles S. from Concord, and 19 S.E. fromAmherst. Here are three ponds, called Gumpas, Island, and North ponds. Beaver river passes* through the tovvhi. On this river and the tributary streams there is much valuable meadow.— The inhabitants depend principally on agriculture for the means of sup- port. Much timber and copd wood are carried annually to the banks of the Merrimack, and-thence convey- ed to Newbury port, or to Boston through Middlesex canal. The first settlements were made in 1722. The town was incorporated in 1746, about 5 years after the state line was established, by which a part was separated from Dracut, Mass. Pop- ulation in 1830, 1,075.
Pelbam, Mass.
Hampshire co. This town Iie3 80 miles W. from Boston, and 13 N. E. from Northampton. It was in- corporated in 1*742. Population, in 1837, 957. The surface of the town is elevated and uneven; the soil is hard but productive,- Swift and Fort rivers afford it mill privi- leges. Some palm-leaf hats are made here. |
Some years ago the notorious Stephen Burroughs profaned the Christian sabbath, by imposing him- self on the innocent people of Pel- ham as a minister of the gospel.
Pemadumcook Lake, Me.,
Or tb$ Bamedumpkok. This large lake is of very irregular form, containing a great number of isl- ands,and lies a few miles N.from Ba- ker’s mountain. It receives the waters of numerous lakes, or col- lections of water, lying between it and the eastern sources of the Moose Head. The soil on the bor- ders of the Pemadumcook, and the lakes connected with it, is remark- ably ferule. The Jo Mary lakes are beautiful sheets of water, and are surrounded by some of the best timbered land in the state. They lie near the Pemadumcook; and the facilities afforded for rafting lumber down the Penobscot, through that lake, render that section of country very valuable.
Pembroke, Me*
Washington co. Population, in 1837,866. Wheat crop, same year, 1,216 bushels. It lies 178 miles from Augusta.
See “ Down East.”
Pembroke, X. II.,
Merrimack co., lies 60 miles N. W. from Boston, and 6 S. E. from Concord. This town is generally well watered. The Suncook, on the S. E. boundary, furnishes many val- uable water privileges. The main street extends nearly on a parallel with Merrimack river in a straight course about three miles, and is very pleasant. On this are situated the academy and the principal village. Pembroke has a variety of soils, mostly very productive. On the |