Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 327
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rivers are small but valuable tracts
of intervale, and from these the
land rises in. extensive and beauti-
ful swells, yielding in abundance
when properly cultivated. Pem-
broke is the ancient
'Suncook of the
Indians. It was granted by this
name in 1727, by the government
of Massachusetts, to Capt. John
Lovewell, and his brave associates,
in consideration of their services
against the' Indians. The whole
number of grantees was 60 ; 46 of
whom accompanied Lovew.ell in
his last march.to Pequawkett. The
first survey was made in 1728 ; and
in the following year settlements
were commenced. The settlements
increased slowly, in consequence
of the frequent alarms from the In-
dians, who committed many depre-
dations upon their property. Pop-
ulation, 1830, 1,312.

Pembroke, Mass.

Plymouth co. This town was
taken from Duxbury in 1711. Pop-
ulation, 1837, 1,258. It lies 27
miles S. E. from Boston, and 12 N.
N. W. from Plymouth. North riv-
er separates this town from Hano-
ver; and some branches of that
stream, rising from ponds in Pem-
broke, give it a good water power.
For more than 40 years after the
settlement at Plymouth, this town
contained the only saw-mill in the'
colony. Pembroke’is at the head
of navigation on the North river,
and possesses superior advantages
for ship building ; and many noble
vessels, constructed of native white
oak, are annually launched. The
manufactures of the town consist-of
Vessels, cotton goods, tacks, iron
•ware, chairs, cabinet ware, &c..

The North river is very deep and
narrow, and so exceedingly crook-
ed that it meanders IS miles in its
course from Pembroke to Scituate
harbor, when the distance by land
is less than 6 miles.

Pemigewasset River, N. II*

This stream and the Winnepisio-
gee constitute- the Merrimack. It
is formed of three principal branch-
es, having their sources in Peeling,
Franconia, and the'ungranted lands
S. W. of the White Mountains.—
These branches unite in Peeling,
from whence the main stream pass-
es in a S. direction through Thorn-
ton. Campton, between Plymouth
and Holderness; Bridgewater, Bris-
tol and New Hampton; Hill and
Franklin, where it unites with
Winnepisiogee river, and the main
stream becomes the Merrimack.

Pemmaquid Poiut, Me*

Lincoln co. This is animportant
point of land, extending into the
seabetween Muscongus bay on the
east, and Pemmaquid river and the
waters of Damariscotta on the west.
There is a light house on this point,
which bears W. 10 miles from St.
George’s island, and about N. E. 9
miles from Bantam Ledge.

Penobscot River and Bay, Me.

This large and important river,
with its numerous and extensive
branches water a large portion of
the state. It pierces the county
which bears its name and receives
tributaries from Washington, Han-
cock, Waldo, Piscataquis and Som-
erset counties. Below the union
of the eastern and western branch-
es the Piscataquis and Matawam-
keag are-, its largest tributaries.
From the junction of the two
branches, or “the Forks,” to tide
water at Bangor is about 76 miles.

The east branch rises at the north,
in the Seboois lakes, near Aroostook
river, and on its passage to the junc-
tion, a distance of about 50 miles,
itis properly called Seboois river.

The western branch of the Pe-
nobscot rises in the high lands on
the border of Lower Canada and
the western frontier of Maine. It
passes through the counties of Som*


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