Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 328
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erset and Piscataquis in an eastern
direction, to its junction with the
eastern branch, receiving in its
course the waters of lakes Chesun-
cook, Pemadumcook, Millinoket,
and other large collections of water.
This branch-passes within 3 miles
of the northern border of Moose
Head lake, the source of Kenne-
bec liver. The length of.this branch
of the Penobscot, from its source to
its union with the east branch or
Seboois river, may be stated at
about 140 miles; and the greatest
length of the river to Bangor,
215, and to the ocean, 275 miles.

Some of the most important
tributaries of this majestic river,
are noted under their distinctive
names; a description of them all with
their hydraulic powers and boat-
able capabilities, their rapid cour-
ses and beautiful cataracts, their
fertilizing qualities, and other pecu-
liarities, would fill a volume. In-
deed, these streams and the immense
basin which they drain, are so little
known, that some years must elapse
before any thing like a fair delinea-
tion of the value and beauty of this
interesting section of New Eng-
land can he given.

Penobscot Bay. The waters of
this hay extend from
OwVs Head
on the west, to Burnt Coat Island
on the E.; a distance of about 30
miles. At its mouth are Fox Is-
lands, Deer Isle,- Isl.e of Haut,
and a number of smaller islands.
It extends to Belfast bay, at the
mouth- of Penobscot river, a dis-
tance of 20 miles N.- from Owl’s
Head. This bay contains a grerat
number of commodious harbors, arid
on its borders are msny large and
flourishing commercial towns. It
affords a great variety of fish, and
the scenery among the islands is de-

Penobscot County, Me.

Bangor, chief town. This see-


tion of country constituting a coun-
ty, is rather a district within the
state, to be divided into counties as
exigencies may require. Not more
than a fourth part of the territory
is settled, incorporated into towns,
or even granted:    With    the excep-

tion of a small portion at its south-
ern boundary, it comprises a fertile
wilderness, densely wooded, pierc-
ed in every direction with mill
streams, and adorned with beautiful
lakes. It contains a larger extent
of territory’ than the "whole agri-
cultural state of Vermont, with its
14 large and flourishing counties;
of no better soil, at a greater dis-
tance from the ocean, in nearly the
same latitude, and, in 1837,' with a
population of no less than 31 to a
square mile.

In 1837, before a part of this ter-
ritory was set off to form Piscataquis
county, it comprised an area of 10,-
578 square miles. It was incorpo-
rated as a county in'1816. In 1790,
it contained a population of only
1,154. In 1820, the population was
13,870; 1830, 31,530, and in 1837,
54,961. Population to a square
mile, 5 and a fraction. Increase of
population, in 7 years, 74 per cent.

There are somd mountains in this
county, but the surface is generally
undulating, containing as small a
portion of waste land as any county
in the state, in proportion to its size.

With regard to its soil, it is con-
ceded by all who have traveled
through the.territory and examined
it, that its quality, for the produc-
tion of all the commodities necessa-
ry for the wants and comforts of
man, is better thanlhe soil of New-
England generally.

The manufactures of this county
consist principally of lumber,., of
which an immense amount is annu-
ally transported. Other manufac-
tures, however, are rising on the
banks of its rivers, and will doubt-
less increase with its- population.
In 1837, there were 39,154 sheep


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