small streams in a wide and deep bed ; hollowed out partly by them, and partly by the tide. The names of these streams, beginning at the northeast, are Salmon Fall, Coche- co, Bellamy bank, Oyster, Lamprey, Squamscot, and Winnicut rivers. The five last .unite their waters in a large and irregular bay between Durham and Greenland, more re- sembling a lake than a river. The waters of this bay meet those of Salmon Fall and Cochec.o rivers, coming from the northwest at Hil- ton’s point, a few miles below Do- ver. After this junction, they pro- ceed in a direct line to the south- east; and join the ocean 2 or 3 miles below Portsmouth; embosoming several islands, and forming one of the best harbors on the continent. Few rivers make a more magnifi- cent appearance than this; yet the streams by which it is^upplied *are small. Salmon Fall furnishes more than all the rest. This stream is called JSTewichawannock from the falls in Berwick till it receives the waters of the Cocheco ; but the name of Piscataqua ought to be ap- plied to the whole of Salmon Fall river.
Piscataquis River, Trie.
The head waters of this river are found in the high lands which sep- arate the waters of Penobscot and Kennebec rivers. Its length is about 65 miles, passing in a course nearly east. It has many tributaries, of which Sebec and Pleasant rivers, and Seboois stream, from the north, are the largest. In its course it fertilizes large tracts of country, and gives to the towns through which it passes a good hydraulic power.
Piscataquis County, Me.
Dover, chief town. This county was incorporated* March-23, 1838. Its territory is thus described in the act of incorporation, to wit: |
“ That from and after the last day of April next, all that portion of territory lying north of the south lines of Parkman and Wellington, in the county of Somerset, and lying north of the north liries of the towns of Dexter, Garland, Charleston, Bradford, and south line of Kilmar- nock, in the county of Penobscot; and bounded east by the east lines of Milton, Kilmarnock and townships numbered four in the eighth and ninth ranges; and thence bounded east by a line running north from the northeast corner of said town- ship numbered four, in the ninth range, to the north line of the state; and bounded on the west by the west lines of Wellington, Kings- bury, Shirley,and township number two in the fifth range ; and thence hounded west by a line running north from the northwest corner of said township number two, to the Kfennebec river; thence up and by the southerly hank of said river to Moose Head lake; thence bounded westerly by the westerly margin of said lake, to the northwest angle of said lake—and thence bounded west by a line running north, to the north line, of the state—be and the same is hereby constituted .and made a county by the name of,” See.
This county is therefore bounded N. W.and N. by the British pos- sessions in Lower Canada, E. by the county of Penobscot, S. by the counties of Penobscot and Somer- set, and Somerset county There are numerous lakes and ponds in the county, the largest of which are the M„oose Head, Chekmcook and Pemadumcook. The county is crossed by the Piscataquis, Penob- scot and Walloomstook rivers, but mostof its excellent mill streams, of which there are many, rise with- in the county, from its own natural sources. There are some consider- able elevations, the largest of which is Katahdin Mountain. The char- acter of the surface and soil of Pis- cataquis county is generally that of |