Hayward’s New England Gazetteer (1839) page 334
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Penobscot .and Somerset counties,
from which it was taken.

Piscataomog River, N» H.,

Is formed of two principal branch-
es, one from Francestown, the other
from Henniker and Deering, which
unite and form the main stream near
the W. line of Goffstown. It pur-
sues a southeasterly course through
Goffstown and the N. E. corner of
Bedford, where it falls into Merri-
mack river.

this river and near its mouth, is a
thriving and pleasant village, situ-
ate in the N. E. part of Bedford. A
handsome bridge is constructed over
the Piscataquog, in this village, 60
feetio length. Since the Union
Canal commenced operation, the
boating business to this place has
been carried on with much success.
On the S. side of the river, below
this village, is a public landing
place, extending to the Merrimack,
and from this place lumber of all
descriptions from the circuinjadent
country, is conveyed down the riv-
er to market by rafts and boats to
Newburyport,and through the Mid-
dlesex canal to Charlestown and
Boston. The rise and present flodr-
ishing appearance of this village is
owing in a great measure to the
enterprise and industry of William
Parker and Isaac Riddle, esquires,
who were the first to commence
the mercantile business in this

Pittsfield, Me.

Somerset co. This is a town of
excellent soil, and a branch of Se-
basticook river rises in the S. E.
corner. The inhabitants are gen-
*    erally    good and thriving farmers.

Pittsfield was incorporated in 1819.
Wheat crop, 1837, 4,869 bushels.
Population, 1S30, 609 ; 1S37, 836.
It lies 38 miles N. N. E. from Au-
gusta,and 20 E. from Norridgewock.

Pittsfield, K. H.

Merrimack co. The surface of
Pittsfield is pleasantly varied, with
a good soil. Surfcodk river passes
through the town, affording good
mill privileges. Catamount moun-
tain stretches across the S. E. part ot
the town, from the summit of which
delightful views are obtained. There
are a number of ponds in the town ;
west of which the magnetie-needie
varies materially. Berry’s pond is on
the mountain :—it is half a mile in
length, and is supplied by mountain
springs. There is a neat and flour-
ishing village in Pittsfield ; a large
cotton mill, a scythe factory, and an

This town was first settled in 1784.
Population, 1830, 1,271. It is 16
miles N. E. from Concord.

Pittsfield, Vt.

Rutland co. Tweed river is form-
ed in this town, by two branches,
which afford mill seats: it empties
into White river, which passes
through the N. E. corner. The
surface of the town is mountainous,
and-the soil hard. .Pittsfield was
first settled in 1786. Population,
1830, 505. It lies 35 miles S. S. W.
from Montpelier, and 17 N. E. from

Pittsfield, Mass.

Berkshire co. This large manu-
facturing and agricultural town, a
mart of trade for a large section of
country, lies 125 miles W. from
Boston, 5 X. from Lenox, and 33 E.
from Albany, N. V. Population,
1837, 3,575* The- settlement of
this place, the Indian
was, commenced in 1736. It was
incorporated in l^Gl. It was a fron-
tier town for some years, and garri-
sons were erected for the protection
of the inhabitants against the in-
roads of the sivages. The town is.
finely watered hy two branches of
the Housdtonick, which unite near
its centre. There ore in Pittsfield


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