(3 woolen and 2 cotton mills, and manufactures of muskets, iron cast- ings, tin ware, leather, hats, car- riages, prunella buttons, chairs, corn brooms, cabinet ware, &c.; total amount, the year ending April 1,1837, $683,71-6. The value of 12,962 fleeces, of wool .sheared in the town the same year, was $19,443. Pittsfield is one of the pleasantest towns in New England: it lies 1,000 feet above the level of the sea, in a fertile valley between the Taughkanniclfand Green moun- tain ranges. .The village is well located, and contains many beauti- ful buildings, which, with the fine scenery and well cultivated farms that surround it, presents a great variety to charm the eye and to gratify the taste of the intelligent agriculturalist.
There are in Pittsfield a medical institution, a female ‘academy, &c.9 which will be noticed in the Reg- ister.
Pittsford, Vt.
Rutland co. Otter creek mean- ders through this very pleasantjmd' flourishing town, nearly in its cen- tre, and fertilizes a large part of its territory. Furness river affords the town good privileges, on which are large iron works and other man- ufactories. Iron ore of a very fine quality, and elastic marble, are abundant; also, the oxide of man- ganese. The agricultural produc- tions are valuable. In 1837 there were in the town 12,368 sheep. A female child was horn here in 1784, who died at the age of 9 years, and weighed 200 pounds. Pittsford was first settled about the year 1770.— It was a frontier town for a'nura- ber of years. ■ The remains of Fort Vengence are- still visible. This town lies 44 miles S. W. from Mpnt- pelier, and 8 N. from Rutland.— Population, 1830, 2,005.
Pittston, Me. |
Kennebec co. Pittston is a pleas- ant town, on the east side of Ken- nebec river, opposite to Gardiner; 7 miles S. by E. from Augusta. It is a flourishing town, of good soil, and has several ponds and mill streams, and a considerable business in the lumber trade. Incorporated, 1779. Population, 1837, 2,121.— Wheat crop, same year, 2,231 bush- els.
Plainfield, ZY. H.,
Sullivan co., lies on Connecticut river. It is 12 miles S. from Dart- mouth college, and N. W. 55 from Concord. There, is considerable valuable intervale, on Connecticut river, and in other parts are excel- lent meadows. There are two ponds. At the S. W. part of this town, in Connecticut river, is Hart’s island, which • contains 19 acres.— Waterqueechyfalls are in this town. A bridge Was erected here, in 1807. A small stream, flowing from Croy- don mountains, waters the town.— Plainfield has a pleasant village, situated on a handsome plain, through the centre of which the street passes N. and S. On a pleas- ant eminence in Meriden parish is located “ The Union Academy,” in- corporated June 16,1313. It is en- dowed with a permanent fund of $40,000, the liberal bequest of the late Hon. ^aniel Kimball, the interest of which, as directed by bis last will, is to be applied as fol- lows, viz: $150 annually to the support of a Calvinistic preacher, and tbe remainder for the instruc- tion of pious young men for the ministry. This seminary is in a flourishing condition. Plainfield was granted in 1761, and was settled in 1764. Population, 1830, 1,581.
Plainfield, Vt.
Washington co. First settled,
1794. Population, 1330, 874. ■ It lies 8 miles E. from Montpelier, and 21 from Newbury. At tbe junc- tion of Onion river and Great brook, in this towD, is a neat village with |