Clark’s Island and Saquish in its bosom. Beyond these points opens the great bay of Massachusetts, bounded at the southern extremity by the peninsula of Cape Cod, which is distinctly visible, and spreading boundless to the north- east. On the N. appears the flour- ishing village of Duxbury, shooting into the bay, apd exhibiting a hand- some conical hill, ever to be re- membered as once the property and residence of the gallant •Standish. Between Duxbury and Plymouth, is the harbor and pleasant village of Kingston. Having taken a sur- vey of this magnificent group, so exceedingly endeared to the New England antiquarian, and enjoyed a spiritual vision of the Mayflower, laden with men, women and chil- dren, come as founders of a mighty empire, we are next led to view a scene of more solemn contempla- tion. The whole extent of the hill is covered with the symbols of mor- tality* the sepulchres of our vener- ated fathers. We tread on the ash- es of some of those to whom we are indebted, under Providence, for our most precious earthly-enjoyments, all that is valuable in life, much of principle and example which are consoling in death. With what so- licitude do we search for a sepul- chral stone bearing the names of Carver, Bradford, and their glorious associates.
The following are the most an- cient monuments which ean be traced within this enclosure :—
Here lies the body of Edward Gray, Gent., aged about fifty-two' .years, and departed this life the last of June, 1681.
Here lyes ye body of ye Honorable Major William Bradford, who expired February ye 20, 1703-4, aged 79 years.
He lived long, but still was doing good,
And in his country’s service lost much blood.
After a life well spent he’s now at rest—
His very name and memory is blest.
2S* |
There are in Plymouth 3 cotton mills, 3 nail factories, and manufac- tures of vessels, cordage, boots, shoes, leather, hats, straw bonnets, chairs, tin aud cabinet wares:—the value of which for the year ending April 1,1337, was $503,932. Dur- ing that year there were 4 vessels engaged in the whale fishery, 45 in the'^cod and mackerel fishery, and a large number of vessels employed in the merchant service and coast- ing trade. Tonnage of the district, in 1837, 26,635 tons. The product of the fishery, the same year, was $154,636.
The corner stone of Pilgrim Hall was laid in this town on the 1st of September 1824. Thi3 edi- fice is 70 by 40 feet, with walls of unwrought split granite; the height from the top of the foundation to the eave cornice being about 33 feet, forms two stories. The low- er room is about 10 feet in the clear of the ceiling; and the upper to the impost moulding about 20 feet, to which being added the curve of the ceiling is about 23 feet. It is intended, as soon as the state of the funds will justify, to form the front by an addition of about 20 feet, with a double tier of steps, having entrance to. the upper room and by descent to the lower. The front to he finished with a Doric portico on 4 columns, of about 20 feet in height, the base of which to be from 3 to 4 feet above the level of the street. The situation presents a frill view of. the river and outer harbor.
An Anniversary Commemora- tion of the landing of the/pilgriins commenced in Plymouth on the 22d of December, 1769, and will, we trust, be continued in Pilgrim Hall, so long as the virtues, unpar- alleled sufferings, and the conscien- tious performance of the duties of piely and benevolence of our pil- grim fathers are held in veneration by a grateful posterity. See Reg- |