ister, and Thackers History of Plymouth.
Plymouth, Ct.
. Li chfield co. Plymouth lies 22 miles W. S. W. from Hartford, 31 N. by W. from New Haven, and 12 S'. E. from Litchfield. Taken from Waterbury in 1795. Popula- tion, 1830,-2,064. The surface of the town is rough and hilly, with a strong, gravelly soil, well adapted for grazing. The Naugatuck affords an ample water power, which is improved for the -manufacture of cotton goods, clocks, &.c.
The manufacture of small wood- en clocks, it is believed, originated with Mr. Terry; of this town, about 20 year3 ago ; since that period, the manufacture of wooden clocks has been widely extended, and forms a very important branch of the man- ufactures in this part of the state.
Plymptan, Mass.
Plymouth co. This town is wa- tered by a branch of Taunton river. It lies 82 miles S. E. by S. from Boston, and 8 W.,from Plymouth.* Incorporated, 1707. Population, 1S37, S35. The manufactures of the town consist of cotton and wool- en goods, nails, shovels, spades, hoes, forks, hoop rivets, shoes,.leath- er, palm-leaf hats, chairs and cabi- net ware; annual amount about $100,000. The Indian name of Plymplon was Wccnatuxet.
A noble white oak was cut in this town a few years ago. It contain- ed seven tons and seven feet* of ship timber, and two cords of firewood.
Poge^Cnpe, Mass.
This cape forms the northern ex- tremity of Chappequiddic island, a part of Pukes county.
Poland, Me.
Cumberland co. Poland is situ- ated on Little Androscoggin river,
6 miles above Lewiston falls. It is 44 miles'S. W. from Augusta, and 26 N. from Portland. Incorporated, |
1795. Population, .1837, 2,251.— Wheat crop, same year, 3,965 bush- els. This is an excellent .farming town with good mill privileges, sev- eral ponds, and a pleasant village.
A family consisting of about 70 of that curious people denomina- ted “ Shakers,” reside in Poland. They possess* about 600- acres of choice land. They are attached to the society at New Gloucester, about a mile distant. Their village is on a beautiful eminence. To say that .their village is neat and handsome, and that their lands and gardens are well improved, would be superfluous. See Canterbury, j\r, H.
Pomfret, Vt.
Windsor co. First settled, 1770. Population, 1830, 1,867. Pomfret lies 45 miles N. by E. from Mont- pelier and 20 N. N. W. from Wind- sor. Thetown is watered by White and Queechy rivers. The surface is hilly, but the soil is .generally good, particularly for grazing :—it pastures about 8000 sheep. Pom- fret contains a mineral substance, said to prove a good substitute for paint.
,Pomfrct, Ct.
‘ Windham co. Pomfret was first settled in 16S6. Incorporated,1713. Its Indian name was Mashamoquet. The surface of the town is pleasantly diversified by hillsandvalleys: from some of the elevations, delightful views are obtained. The soil is deep, strong and fertile) and, al- though somewhat stony, is very productive, and exceedingly well adapted for grazing. A considera- ble amount of the productions of the dairy are sent to market. The Quinnebaug and several of its branches water the town, and flour- ishing manufacturing establish- ments of cotton and other materials are springing up within its borders. Pomfret ties 40 miles E. by N. from |