Portland, Me.
Chief town, Cumberland oo. This beautiful city lies upon a peninsula at the western extremity of Casco bay ;• its length is three miles from east to west, and the average width is three quarters of a mile; con- taining about two thousand two hundred acres of land. The settle- ment of this neck of land was com- menced as early as 1632, by two individuals from England, George Cleaves and Richard Tucker, who purchased the whole tract in 1637, of Gorges, the proprietor. For the first 40 years the settlement made but little progress, and it was en- tirely destroyed in the Indian war of 1675. In 1680, it was revived under more favorable auspices, the government of Massachusetts hav- ing some years previous to that time extended her sovereignty over this part of Maine. It'had scarce- ly begun to4 gather the fruits of prosperity, before it was again doomed to a second entire over- throw in 1690, by the remorseless enemy, who spared neither dwell- ings nor their inhabitants.
The territory lay waste after this, until about 1715, wben a new at- tempt was made, and the founda- tions of the present city were laid. The inhabitants in the early period of the settlement, suffered much from the privations which awaited them in this their remote wilder? ness. The Indians were still hang- ing about them in an unquiet state, and occasionally visiting them with rapine and blood.
After supplying the first necessi- ties of their condition, the people turned their attention to the lumber business,-the materials and the fa- cilities of which, were abundant about thefn. In about 20 years from the re-settlement, it became the principal port on the coast from which the English Davy was sup- plied with masts and spa/s. They were transported in large ships owned abroad. Manufactured lum- ber was sent to the West Indies and to the colonies on the continent. |
• At the commencement of the re- volutionary war, there were owned in Portland, 2,555 tons of shipping. The population was about 1,900, oc- cupying 230 houses : there were two religious societies, one congre- gational-, the other episcopalian, and the place was marked by enterprise and prosperity. But it was destined a third time to be prostrated by the ravages of war. In 1775 it was bombarded by a British fleet, by which catastrophe 136 of the prin- cipal houses were destroyed, to- gether with a new court house, the episcopal church, and the town house, to the loss of the inhabitants of over £54,000.
From the close of the revolution- ary War, to the year 1307,the growth of the town was almost unexam- pled. The amount of tonnage, which in 1789 was but 5,000 tons, Jiad increased in 1807 to 39,000, and the amount received for duties had advanced from $8,000 to $346,000. During the restrictions and war, the town suffered severely. It had been sustained principally by foreign commerce, which those disastrous times wholly prostrated. After the peace of 1815, the old channels of trade'were revisited, and new ones opened with still increasingsuccess. Portland probably enjoys a larger commerce with the West Indies, than any other port in the union. In 1830, the quantity of shipping was 43,071 tons; in 1832, there were owned in this port 412 vessels, employing 2,700 seamen; in 1834 the tonnage of vessels belonging to the port wa£ 51,433 tons, and in 1837, 53,081 tons. There arrived in one year 434 vessels exclusive of coastwise arrivals from ports north of Cape Cod, of which 163 were from foreign ports, and 321 were coastwise. The importations were as follows, molasses, 30,425 hhds; flour,65,471 barrels; corn, 76,118 |