streets, compared with some other commercial places.
Portsmouth lies 45 miles E. S. E. from Concord, 56 N. E. from Bos- ton, and 54 S. W. from Portland. Population, 1S20, 7,327; 1830,
the Navy yard, one of the safest and most convenient on the coast ; Badger’s island, on which the North America, (the first line of battleship launched in the weste'rn hemisphere) was built during the revolutionary war.
Few towns in New England have suffered so much from fires as Ports- mouth. On Dec. 26, 1802, 102 buildings were burnt. Dec. 24, 1806, 14 buildings, including St. John’s church, were destroyed. But the most calamitous fire broke out Dec.. 22, 1813, when 397 build- ings were burnt, of which more than 100 were dwelling houses. The ravages extended over about 15 acres.
The United States navy yard is admirably located for its object. There are at present three ship houses in the yard, in which are a 74 and a 40 gun ship. One of the houses is 240 feet long and 131 feet' wide:—the roof is covered with 130 tons of slate. In this building the keel of the frigate Congress was laid in 1337. The government of the U. S. has been liberal in its appropriations for this excellent na- val depot, at which a dry dock will soon be constructed. Ports- mouth has ever been celebrated for its fine white oak timber and its naval architects.
Ship building for the merchant' service is extensively pursued, and otber manufactures flourish. There are’35 ships belonging to this port regularly engaged in the freighting business; 100 vessels in-the cod and mackerel fisheries, 52 in the coasting trade, 3 in the West India business, and 1 employed in whal- ing. ThQ number of men and boys employed in navigation, in 1837, wa^750. The tonnage of the district, the same year, was 25,114 tons. As much of the capital of this wealthy town is employed abroad, and much of the inland trade passes on the river, there is hut little show of business in the
8,0S2. .The present population is about 9,000. Tbe rail-road from 'Boston to Maine will probably pass through this town. The proximity of Portsmouth to the ocean, its neatness, quietude and beauty, ren- der it an agreeable residence, and a fashionable resort in the summer.
Among the citizens of Portsmouth distinguished for their talents or public services, we may mention William Vaughan, the origin- al projector of the expedition against Louisbourg, was born at 'Ports- mouth, Sept. 12, 1703, and died in London, in Dec. 1*746.
John Wentworth, tbe first governor of that name in N. H.
J He died Dec. 12, 1730, aged 59.
Benning Wentworth, who died Oct. 14, 1770, aged 75.
Dr. Joshua Brackett, a dis- tinguished physician and founder of the N. H. Medical Society, died July 17, 1802, aged 69.
Hon. Samuel Hale, a native of Newbury,,Mass., who for more than 30 years, taught a public school in Portsmouth. He died July 10, 1807, aged S9._
Rev. Samuel Haven, D. D. was bom at Framingham, Mass* Aug. 4,1727; settled at Portsmouth in 1752 ; received the degree of
D. D. from the University of Edin- burgh in 1772; and died March 3, 1806, aged 79. He was eminently useful.
Dr. Ammi R. Cutter, was born at North Yarmouth, Me. in March 1735. For 60 years he was an em- inent practitioner, and during life a firm supporter of his country. He died Dec. 8, 1820, aged 86.
Hon. John Pickering, LL. D., was a native of Newington. He was appointed chief justice of the superior court in 1790, and contin-
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