Pownal lies 30 miles W. by S. from Bratftehorough, and 8 S. from Ben- nington. The surface is broken and hilly, but the soil is strong and re- markably well adapted for grass, producing all the varieties of the dai- ry in great abundance and of an ex- cellent quality. The number of sheep kept in this town is about
8,000.- Pownal is watered by Hoo- sack and Walloomsac rivers, which produce a good water power. The village is very pleasant.
Powow River.
Powow river has its principal source in Great and Country ponds in Kingston, N. H., and passes over the S. W. part of East Kingston in- to South Hampton; thence into Amesbury, Mass., where it turns E. into South Hampton again, and returns into Amesbury, falling into the Merrimack between Salisbury and Amesbury. There are several falls in tbis river; those.in Ames- bury being the most remarkable, the water falling 100 feet in the dis- tance of 50 r9ds, and presenting, with the variety of machinery and dams, houses and scenery on the falls, one of the most interesting views in the country.
Prescott, Mass. -
Hampshire co. The surface of this town is rough and hilly. The principal manufacture consists of palm-leaf hats, of which about
50,000 are annually made. The soil is better for grazing than tillage. Prescott lies 76 miles W. from Bos- ton, and 16 N. E. from Northamp- ton. Taken from Pelham in 1822. Population, 1837, 788.
Preston, Ct. |
New London co. This is an ir- regular, uneven, rocky town, of a pretty good soil for corn and grazing. It is bounded W. and N. by the Thames and Quinnebaug rivers : 44 miles E. S. E. from Hartford. First settled, 1686. Population, 1830, 29 1,935. Poquetannuck, an ancient village, lies partly in Preston and partly in Ledyard. It has a water power, and small vessels pass within a short distance of it. Many of the inhabitants are employed in naviga- tion, and considerable sbip timber is taken from there down the river. Preston City lies in the eastern part of the town, 5 miles E. from Poquetannuck, and 6 E. from Nor- wich. Near tbis village is “Amos lake,” a handsome sheet 'of water, and a. place of resort for parties of pleasure.
Presumpscut River, Me.
This is the outlet of Sebago lake. It passes through parts of Gorham and Westbrook, and falls into Casco bay at Falmouth, 6 miles N. from Portland.
Princeton, 3Ie.
Washington co. Population, in 1837, 207. See “Down East.”
Princeton, Mass.
Worcester co. This town, the Indian Warfiusett, is pleasantly situated at the base of the moun- tain of that name, 45 miles W. by N. from Boston, and 16 N. by W. from Worcester. Incorporated,175S. Population, 1837, 1,267. This is a township of good land, and produces considerable quantities of beef, butter, cheese, &c. It is watered by a branch of the Nashua, and has some manufactures. Wachusett is 2,990 feet in height; it is the high- est land in the county, and presents a landscape exceedingly variegated and beautiful. It is a place much frequented in summer months.
The. manufactures of the town consist of shoes, leather, palm-leaf hats, chairs, and cabinet ware : an- nual amount, about $50,000.
Prospect, Me.
Waldo co. This is a beautiful town, of good soil, on the west side of Penobscot river. It is bounded |